Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wondering about some of the dumb things RV owners do.

How many of you people out there own RVs?  It seems that a big percentage of the blogs I follow are written by RV owners.  Did you ever notice that RV owners are outgoing people who like to share their experiences with others?  They are not afraid of making fun of themselves by sharing some of the stupid things that they have done.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not saying that RV owners are stupid, I believe they if they are smart enough to own an RV and like to travel and see new things and meet new people that they must be very smart.  On the other hand, we all have done some really dumb things while on the road.

I subscribe to “MotorHome” magazine and in the last issue (July 2012) they had the “2012 RV OOPS AWARDS”.  They listed the top 10 in reverse order of the worst OOPS.  After reading that article I don’t feel quite so dumb (grin).  I am not going to take your fun away by telling you what the OOPS were, but I know that all of us who have or has ever had an RV has had some pretty good OOPS to tell about (or not tell about).  If I started my top ten list it would take some time.  I would have to sort out the thousands and thousands of ”oops” that I have made since my beginning way back when my two boys were young and we bought our first RV, a pop-up tent camper.  Not only did we have a lot of fun in it there were also quite a few oops, also.  After the tornado (oops) demolished it, it took us a few years before we got back into RVing by purchasing a 28 foot Mobile Scout bumper pull travel trailer.  I do have to say that it was the best laid out and constructed trailer that I have ever seen.  My wife and I loved that trailer and it got a lot of miles on it and time spent with us in it, but for some reason that I can’t seem to remember now, we decided to move up to something larger.  We looked at fifth-wheels since they had the most room, but after realizing that I would also have to purchase a larger truck to pull a big fiver, we decided to trade both the truck and the trailer in on a class-C motor-home, which we did.  Then after quite a few years, we finally upgraded to a diesel pusher.  Now, it seems that there is so much other stuff going on in our lives that we haven’t had the time to go anywhere.

Sorry, I got off the track a bit, but wanted to give you some background so you will know that I have had a lot of "oops" happen with many different types of RVs over my life time.  What?  You wanted me to tell you about all my oops???  I promise, the next time I see you, we will sit down and I will tell you about all of them over a cup or two of coffee.  OK, maybe thoughout my blogs I will cover some of them, but they were all caused by either not thinking, not paying attention, or hust being dumb.  Let's make a deal, you tell me some of your "oops" and I will tell you some of mine.  How does that sound?  Now, you all have a great Sunday, you hear?


  1. Good thing I can laugh at myself. I never lack for entertainment.

  2. Yup...that article did bring some "knowing " chuckles at our place.

  3. Sixbears, I sure do know what you mean. Sometimes I laugh at my self and sometimes I just get mad at me.

    Russ, anyone who RVs knows what I am saying. Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. Don't have an RV, but over the years, I've given myself plenty of reasons to laugh at myself!

    Like Sixbears says, never run out of amusement that way!

  5. No RV either, but would if could,,,and i have just 1 question. Is your last oops,,the one backing up and breaking the steps, awning? Or,,do you have more secrets,,lololol.
    I have lots of em too, and have written about some of em,,heck, i can laugh at myself,,always could.

  6. Probably one of the biggest OOPs I've made was entering a dead end road after leaving a gas station in the opposite direction I had arrived. That put me in a turn around situation. Most dead end roads have no turn arounds. Took an hour to turn "Sally da house and "the little red bronco" around.

  7. Hermit, I am always laughing at the things I do or don't do. One the other hand the wife don't laugh that much (grin).

    Trouble, I hid the tree (should be getting a new awning next week), then on a separate incident I jumped on the steps wrong and broke the bolt and gear, then I backed into the electric pole in my drive-way and knocked the lighted hand grab loose. and then . . . .

    Billy Bob, I once took a wrong turn and ended up like you are talking about but that was in the class-C so it was as bad as if I had this big one. Got fuel and then had a hard time getting out, real bumper of the MH put a hole in the front of my Jeep. Turned it that sharp and still dragged the fill hose a little. Some times just inches count a lot.

  8. No RV ooops stories to share but plenty of tent ones :)

  9. MsBelinda, I always loved to tent camp. Have even (when I was younger) gone camping with nothing and made my own bed out of what ever was available. Getting too old for that now.

  10. My parents own a travel trailer, but it hasn't moved in 30 years. I borrowed their big hex tent for the Age of Limits conference Memorial Day weekend, and I had three "oops" moments. One, I forgot to pack a pillow, so I improvised with a towel. Two, I brought an air mattress and an AC air pump. My car has an AC outlet, so I figured I was good to go. Wrong!! It took about 2 seconds for the pump to trigger the circuit breaker. Luckily there was an electric outlet fairly nearby. Three, I forgot to pack a tarp. Sunday night it rained. And rained. And rained. I spent Monday morning drying out -- and I still had puddles in the bottom of my tent by noon.

  11. John, thanks for stopping by. With all the trouble, I bet you still had fun, right?
