Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wondering about microbes.

Have you ever thought about the microbes that seem to exist just about everywhere?  There is a mighty busy unseen world all around us, yes you, too.  They even seem to thrive in space.  It has been reported that microbes that hitched a ride to the space station have grown much stronger and active in space than on Earth.  It seems that they ARE everywhere.  They are found in the ocean, in the desert, in the very tops of the highest clouds, in the deepest mines, and of course in your home and in and on you.  They seem to thrive the most in hospitals and nursing homes.  They have been here long before mankind and will be her long after we are extinct from this world.  I would believe that they have hitch-hiked throughout the universe on comets and probably even meteors.  When we search for life throughout the universe, I believe that the first signs of life we will find will be microbes.  But, who knows, maybe the microbes that we find will not be micro but macro, big enough to swallow us with a single gulp.  Wouldn’t it be strange if we were the microbes in an alien civilization??  Dang, maybe I should write a sci-fi novel?  You all have a good day and take care of all your microbes; they are a big part of your life.


  1. Interesting you bring up the small size of things. On an old Twilight Zone or one like it, early on, there was an episode that the local Air force Base was in contact with space aliens who wanted to land and exchange name and addresses and recipes. :-)
    After much discussion here on earth , they decided to allow them to land and NOT blow them out of the sky. They talked on the radios and waited and waited standing next to the run way assigned. Just as they reported they were touching down nothing to be seen or heard, BUT the Head US Guy got a piece of dust in his eye, picked out out and all communication ended.

  2. These are the kind of thoughts that go through the mind of the lone low level pipeline patrol pilot.

  3. Saw something on tv once, about stuff that lives in us,,that falls into the category,,"don't want to know". Soo,,,ain't asking no questions...lololol

  4. Yup....always wondered bout microbes an' stuff like that. Is that what bass fishes are made out of? And how bout them critters brew'n up some diesel fuel and gasoline so we can go camp'n and fish'n? Do they do that?? Now that's something to wonder I gonna catch me up some fish?

  5. Ben, I didn't see that one but one similar where a very small flying saucer landed on a woman's porch and she was beating it with a broom. There were U.S. astronaughts in it.

    Oldfool, that is, in between dodging trees and power lines. . .

    Trouble, yes, sometimes it is better not to know some things.

    BB, If'n you got a big enough and active enough micro-lure you can catch those big HOG bass. Let's go fishing, I need a break.

  6. Apparently, we are walking colonies of microbes -really not individuals at all.

  7. Sixbears, yep, we are a nation all to our selves with millions of individuals.
