Saturday, June 23, 2012

Remembering Old Ben

Writing this blog is hard for me but I must do it, if not for Ben for me.  Ben was the one who was responsible for getting me started in the blogging world.  He almost insisted that I start a blog and I did back on July 16, 2010, almost two years ago.  That whole time Ben has been my friend and mentor.  We have visited in person, on the phone, via e-mail and Yahoo Messenger.  I guess what I am trying to say is that Ben was my friend.

When we were up visiting with him, his buddy Windy Bob stopped over and we had a wonderful conversation sitting around the table.  Sometimes it was hard to get a work in, but I always managed (grin).  At that time I had a class-C motor-home and he liked it and said that he was thinking about getting something to travel in.  Here is a picture of Windy Bob, my wife, and Ole Ben on that visit:

He finally got himself a great travel trailer but a little too late.  I really feel so bad that he didn’t get to take that trip to Oregon that he was planning and dreaming about.  I liked him a lot and am writing this through tear stained eyes.  Yes Virginia, grown men do cry.

I can’t write anymore.  Hope the two cats he loved so much will be well taken care of.  You all have a good day and remember Ole Ben. . .


  1. Amen Dizzy:
    Good friends are hard to come by, Ben will be missed. I have to say, he goaded me into starting my blog as well. I always checked his blog with my coffee every morning.

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. Such a shock. I loved reading Ben's blog.

  3. Lovely tribute to your friend.
    I enjoyed reading his blog,too.
    He will be missed, but God must have needed him now.
    Happy Tails, and Trails, Penny.

  4. My deepest sympathies to all of Ben's family and friends. I did not know him, but knew of him, as my dad was a big fan reading his blog each day for the past four or so years. I learned about Ben's passing this morning when dad emailed saying how very sad he was having read what had happened. He signed off saying "He was only 66, a widower like myself. I will miss him"

  5. I'm with you Diz. Ben would call me from time to time and we talked trucks and trailers. I will sure miss him and the Sunday comics. It makes me think of that campground in the sky.

  6. I feel so bad about Ben's passing. I haven't kept up with the blogs as much as I'd like when I traveled across country, so I missed the last of his posts. May he rest in peace.

  7. Thank you Dizzy. Ben and i didn't see eye to eye, but this has hit me hard. I'm really so sad right now, can't think. I was there when he forced you into your blog. Has it really been 2 years?
    You have written a great tribute, and that's why i said,,,Thank YOU.

  8. I enjoyed Ben so much, condolences to his daughter, brothers, etc.Such in shock, cannot believe the good Lord took him home so soon! Just got the Rita Casita and looking forward to going to Oregon to see his daughter, we live near where she has her business and lives, I am in such shock, hope someone gets the kitty cats he so loved, just goes to show you that each day is a precious gift, tomorrow is never guaranteed, only have today and for Ben he lived that and then some, will miss him, felt I knew him never met him, but we wanted to take a trip to Texas and we would have..Rest In Peace gentle Ben! from mjs in vancouver washington state!

  9. What a nice tribute to him Dizzy. I am in shock and have been crying since I heard of his passing.

    May you rest in peace Ben.

  10. Very lovely Dizzy. Long time lurker here. I too have been crying today. Ben's blog was the first one I ever "followed" and I was so nervous to publicly do that but I loved his way of writing so much I felt like I wanted to do that to honor his efforts. My husband was out in the yard working this morning and I went out to tell him first thing after I had logged in with my coffee to read. I felt like my husband would think I was a silly fool crying my eyes out while telling him about Ben and his passing, someone I had never met in person, but thankfully he gave me a hug and said he was sorry. I so wish I had taken time to post personally to Ben how much I enjoyed his blog. I know Ann was there to great him. Bel

  11. Thank you all for all the comments. I will surely miss him and his blog, as we all will.

  12. Thank you Dizzy! I believe all of us who loved Ben and his blog so much are full of tears! I've had so many great visits and fun times with him and Ann and am so in shock that Ben went so quickly. He was such a mentor to me when I got my first computer - a hand-me-down from my son's business- many years ago, but Ben taught me so much on navigating through it all. I still feel in shock and want to cry every time I think of him and how much I will miss him! I will continue to follow the blogs that are commemorating Dear Ben! Thank YOU and bless you for sharing your feelings. I know it was hard for you!

    Carol in AZ

  13. My commiserations to you DD and Ben's friends...

  14. You had my tears running down my face. I great read today thanks, Dizzy

  15. Carol, yes this was not a good day for a lot of people.

    TFT, thanks Keith. Blogger friends, especially the ones you meet in person are like family.

    Jim, it was your announcement that had tears in my eyes all day, but thanks a lot for letting us all know. We were getting worried and knew something was amiss.

  16. Dang! I knew he wasn't well. Did not know he passed. Thanks for the update and the great photo. He was one of the good guys.

  17. Sixbears, yes, there was no one I know like him. Was proud that I knew him and got at least a couple of days with him at his home.

  18. "Ben's daughter Autumn is hosting a reception in Ben's honor on Tuesday, June 26 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Steven's Garden and Grill at 223 Depot Street in Mansfield, TX location."

    Anyone going to it, through or near Houston, please email me at rsvpta at aol. Maybe we can get the poor orphans here, if they haven’t found a home in the next couple of days.

    I don't think Ben would want them to be put to sleep and I haven't heard back from the No-Kill Shelters in the Mansfield area yet.

    Let's make sure Ben's 'carpet sharks' have a Happy Ending.

    Penny, Lake Conroe, North of Houston, TX

  19. wow, this made me do a search for my post about him. It was a real shocker...
