Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wondering if I will get everything done.

This is going to be a busy, busy day.  First off I take my wife to the doctor, then we rush home and pack the dogs in the car and take them to their monthly grooming appointment, then we will need to get groceries and supplies and be back in time to pick the dogs up.  Yes, and of course it would be nice if I can squeeze in some time to work on my “paying” job.  Now, on top of all that it is my wife’s birthday.  Yep, you guessed it, she is thirty-nine and holding.  Looks pretty good for her age I must say.

Now what should I do special for her today?  She does not like to eat out and will not eat cake and can’t eat ice cream since her system cannot handle milk products.  I suppose I could find a nice place for her to get a salad; that is if we have time.  Can’t do it at noon since that is around the time we get the call to come get the brats, no I mean the lovely dogs, and we will barely have time to unload the groceries before we get the call that they are again pretty and ready to come home.  They are always really happy to see us and of course it is quite lonely and quiet around here when they are missing.  We are going to have a full day so maybe I will take my wife shopping on QVC or HSN and let her get herself something special.

You all have a great day now, you hear?  And you may just want to celebrate my wife’s birthday, too.  The poor young thing being stuck with an old fart like me; don’t you feel sorry for her?


  1. How bout you just tell her to take the day off? Let her loaf around the house while you haul dogs and all the other chores? For supper have her favorite dinner delivered!! And put on her favorite movie..

  2. Happy birthday to your wife!

  3. Happy Birthday to the missus!

    A good book is always a nice gift!

  4. Tell your lovely wife, Happy Birthday! Then go feed the dogs, make supper, take out the trash, do the dishes, finish up your paying job and colapse on the couch.

  5. Thank you all for the birthday wishes for my wife and the suggestions for what I should do. I will ponder it over and make a list for next year (grin).

  6. Happy Birthday to your wife. My husband bought me a new laptop for my birthday a few weeks ago. Thankfully he skipped over the small models and got me a big screen. I can put off getting reading glasses for another year!
    Always better to let her pick out the gift...can't go wronge. My husband is good at gift not so much.

  7. Jill, you got a nice gift. My wife got a 17" laptop a few years back (I upgraded to one that size this year). The big screen is nice and allows for a lot more windows to be visible at one time. Happy belated birthday.

  8. Dizzy-Dick,
    Is your wife lactose intolerant or does she have a milk allergy? If the later, as my Mother had, then boiling the milk will allow her to eat a custard ice cream. That is what I grew up eating and didn't know there was any other kind of ice cream until I left home. My mother could also drink/use condensed milk but not regular milk.

  9. Ed, I think she is intolerant, but she can eat a little frozen yogurt once in awhile.
