Monday, May 7, 2012

Wondering about some gold prospecting terms.

I believe that I told you that I belong to the G.P.A.A. (Gold Prospectors Association of America) and they use terms in the prospecting and mining hobby and industry that may not be familiar with a lot of non-prospector type people.  Most everyone knows what a gold pan is (no, it ain’t a gold colored pan but we like to see lots of “color” in it).  The word color in prospecting terms means traces of gold in the pan or sluice or whatever you are using to prospect or work a claim.  We all like to see gold of any kind but nuggets are really great and for those of us who like to swing a metal detector, you want to find some “placer” gold.  Now, unless you are a seasoned prospector I bet you pronounced that all wrong.  It is not pronounced like it is spelled.  It should have been spelled “plasser” because it rhymes with “passer”.  Anyway, it is gold found loose in sand or gravel deposits.  And do you know what a “Gold Miner” is?  He is a liar with a hole in the ground.  OK, enough of that, but I am going to tell you what I had for supper last night in prospector language and I want you to tell me what I had, OK?

Last night I enjoyed some whistle berries with grilled chicken, and afterward I had both some Adam’s Ale and a little later I had some Belly Wash.

Got that all figured out?  OK, I will let you know if you got it right.  Now go and have a golden day, you hear?


  1. I would say whistle berry is a bean an Adam's ale is apple cider I have to think on the belly wash.Could be a shot of whisky?

  2. On a breezy day in March ,these 3 old def men were out to play a round of golf, the first old man said windy today,the second said no it's Thursday,the third said I'm thirsty also let's go have a drink The whisky made me think of this

  3. Grilled chicken, beans , water, and a soft drink.

  4. Ben keep in mind water is corrosive

  5. Trouble, that and salmon is the only meats that my wife will feed me, except for boudan a every now and then.

    Ted, Ben has the answers right.

    Ben, congratulations, you got them all right. I had grilled chicken, lima bean, a glass of water and later a soft drink. Done good or have you prospected before?

  6. I have experience with rendezvous when I was a black powder shooter and member of a club. We couldn't use anything that wasn't available in 1840..

  7. Ben I thought Dizzy was talking about prospectors not preachers!

  8. Hey Ted, I prospect, but I do not drink.

  9. They say gold prospectors like to do it in the woods, in the water, in the rocks...oh heck, just about anywhere they can get it!

  10. You had grilled chicken and beans, at the end you washed it down with my favorite a cold beer.
