Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wondering about dead bugs.

I suppose you remember that we like to walk through the flea market on the weekends.  Sometimes we come home with things we couldn’t live without, sometimes we come home with things that will be useful, sometimes we come home with stuff that we thought we wanted but later knew it was a mistake, and sometimes we came home with things that would brighten up our home, or our RV, or ourselves.  We did get some stuff last weekend like we usually do.  It is surprising what you can find.  We have found everything from pain relieve salve to an American Indian selling his beautiful artwork.  Of course we have purchased both.  I showed you some prints of his paintings and one of these days I will show you his prototype glass etching.  It is really nice.

OK, back to the subject for today.  Both my wife and I purchased some jewelry for ourselves.  My wife got a necklace and I got a key ring.  Of course, as you see, they are not just ordinary key rings.  They are buggy.  My wife’s is a big green beetle and mine is a spider.  Of course I have some pictures.  This first one shows my wife’s green beetle necklace and the box they come in.

And this is a close up of it:

And this one shows both mine and my wife’s side by side:

Of course we brought home a lot of other things.  Have to fill up that void that was created when we set up at the flea market and sold a lot of our stuff.  We will have to that again someday down the road.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoa.....did you change your font??? For some reason your blog is harder to read this morning.

    I like bugs. That is unless they are crawl'n on me....then I scream like a little girl. Spiders ain't bugs....they critters.

  3. You didn't mention that scorpion,,and i'm kinda having a hard time with that font too.

  4. BB, blogger was acting up for me this morning. I had to post this several times, it didn't want to work and I always use the same fonts and sizes but nothing looked right this morning. I don't like them crawling on ore having me for a meal.

    Trouble, we didn't get a scorpion, only the spider and beetle. All the boxes had a scorpion picture on it. Sorry about the text, blame blogger.

  5. Blogger really is acting up lately. Try putting an extra space between the lines of text and see if that helps!

    You never know! I like the bugs and the box!

  6. I don't think those items would go over very well in this household. It's my job to kill the spiders. We get some good sized wolf spiders. I don't have a problem with them, but the ladies do.

  7. HJ, it is readable hear on my tablet although not the usual font I use. I will try your suggestion if it acts up again tomorrow.

    Sixbears, I don't mind snakes and spiders but my wife does. Like just now a thee foot snak got in our screened in porch and is now in all her potted flowers. She will not go out the now. I told her it wouldn't hurt her but she don't believe me.

  8. Diz!! You know that if Momma ain't happy,ain't no one gonna be happy.. Git out there and remove that "thee foot snak" outta her area.

  9. Dizzy you made me do it (Robert William Service (January 16, 1874 – September 11, 1958) was a poet and writer who has often been called "the Bard of the Yukon .Hank Snow an Stewert Hamblin recited some of his works I did not know he lived to be 102

    Service is best known for his poems "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" and "The Cremation of Sam McGee", from his first book, Songs of a Sourdough (1907; also published as The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses). "These humorous tales in verse were considered doggerel by the literary set, yet remain extremely popular to this day.

  10. Ben, I can't find the "snak". Sorry that I miss-spelled "snake". If he is in there he is hiding pretty good.

    Ted, 102 is really a ripe old age.

    1. The expression "ripe old age" is rather ripe itself with an origin sometime before the year 900. I was very surprised by that.
