Friday, May 4, 2012

No post today.

Don't worry, everything is OK.  I just got a little behind and will try to get back on schedule by tomorrow.  On schedule means just being a month or so behind.  You all have a great day now, you here?


  1. Whew!! You beat my deadline by just 4 minutes here! I was waiting till 3PM and if no post from you . I was going to call..

    Thanks for the checking in.
    What's the latest on the project and most importantly the latest of Ruth's back issue?

    1. Ben, according to the time stamp on your comment you commented a few hours before I posted this blog. Dang, you are fast!!!

      The parts to fix the steps on my RV came in today and I picked up the parts, of course I put the repairs off until tomorrow, maybe.

  2. Yeah, me too Dizzy. I was gonna call ya. Uh huh!! Yeah I just a few more minutes.

    1. BB, I suppose that you were going to go to the door and yell at me as loud as you can. Thanks for worrying. . . Or not worrying, which ever.

  3. Don't know what's up with the time,,it's off. I posted that message just after you made your post .

    AND I WAS going to call if you didn't report to check on Ruth just in case that was why you were tied up.

    So don't believe what other people tell you when they don't have no idea...
