Saturday, May 12, 2012

It Missed Us.

Sorry Houston and Hermit Jim (and I bet Trouble In Texas got her share, too), you got all the severe weather and flooding yesterday and last night.  It missed us.  Sugarland got eight and a quarter inches of rain.  At one time I heard some thunder but nothing made it this far north.  At least the rain is gone and it will not interfere with Houston’s Art Car Parade.  Have you ever seen any pictures of those unusual (to say the least) cars?

I was going to take a walk around the place yesterday and maybe take some pictures; didn’t do that.  I got a lot of things to do and places I have to go and things I have to get, so we will see if I get a chance to get some pictures today.

My wife, on top of some other problems, has now gone and broke a rib.  I am trying to get hold of those people who built the “Six Million Dollar Man”.  Maybe they can make her better than new.  What you think?  Of course I could use a little bit of their work, also.  Maybe twenty bucks worth.  What, you say I ain’t even worth that much??  OK, you all have a great day today, we are planning to.


  1. What the heck did you do to her that caused a broken rib?
    Man I feel for her, ain't no way to breath or lay down or sit or move that doesn't hurt.
    Just only thing you can do is cater to her every whim and not complain about it..

  2. She isn't real sure how it happened but thinks it happened when she rolled over in her sleep. Yep, she does hurt a lot, along with her back problems, she is not getting around very good but insists on going to the flea market this morning then to the city to hunt down some "natural" medicine that she wants to try.

  3. Yeah DD we got lots of wind, rain, hail, flooding,,only thing i have is about 3 little limbs off one tree. I didn't get the large hail at my house.
    Flooding was just the roads. Wind, blew some trees down in places. Weather wasn't nice.

  4. Man, sorry to hear about the wife's rib!

    Never had one but I hear they are really painful! You're gonna have to stop beating her while she's asleep!

    Hope everyone gets better and moving around good!

  5. Hey Hermit are you talking about wives or broken ribs ?

  6. Trouble, glad you didn't get the it any worse than you did.

    HermitJim, She can't do some things or move certain ways, but let me say this, it isn't bad enough to keep her from going shopping, especially Micheal's and the like.

    Bob from Athens, I don't know if he has either a wife or a broken rib. He will have to reply to that.
