Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wondering why I am still in here.

It was all I could do to drag myself back in the house to write this blog, but I didn’t want any of you worrying that I fell off the roof or something worse.  Yesterday and today have been such perfect days weather wise that it is very hard to stay indoors.  The weather doesn’t get any better than this, believe me.  I am going to keep this real short and get back outside to try and get some of the outside work done, like trimming back the jungle that is trying to swallow my driveway and my house.  Pretty soon, if I don’t wage war on the vegetation, I will have to move out. . .

OK, now you all know that I am alive and kicking, I am going back out with my coffee and clippers and saw.  If I don’t show up tomorrow, you will know that the vegetation won the war.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. "Make hay while the sun shines," the old saying goes.

    Enjoy the day!

  2. I got the same situation down here in south Texas. Don't know if'n I should go fish'n or if'n I should work.

  3. Sixbears, down here it is make hay before the sun gets up too far. So far I am winning but had to call a cease fire until I cool off and rest up a bit.

    BB, oh just go fishing, you can always work when you can't go fishing.

  4. Same thing here. Not a whole lot, mowing man does so much of it.
    I vote for fishing!!!

  5. Dizzy, don't get lost in the weed jungle! I'd say leave a bread crumb trail, but if you have as many birds as I do, they would eat it all!

    Just don't overdo and get too hot.

  6. I hope you don't have kudzu in your area. You'd get swallowed up by it!

  7. Trouble, l used to keep this place looking like a park when my Far all 200 was running.

    HJ, I had to get my hand saw out for the stuff over two inches, my hands and the snippers were not strong enough. The heat did get to me some.

    Gypsy, no we don't have it hear and don't want it. Had my fill of it when i was North Carolina.

  8. Yes, Dizzy-Dick, this weather is just grand.
    I wish it would stay this way.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX
