Monday, April 16, 2012

Wondering about a talented member of the family.

Last night my wife was talking on the phone with her brother and sister-in-law who live in Pennsylvania.  They told her about their granddaughter (my wife’s great niece) who was a whiz at doing the Rubik’s Cube.  She is nine years old and is really good at solving the Cube.  Here is a video that her Dad (wife’s nephew) posted on You-Tube of her solving the puzzle:

We were in Pennsylvania last summer and we had a picnic out at Moraine State Park on the shore of Lake Arthur with my wife’s brother and family and she was there with her sister.  Very cute, intelligent, and well behaved girls.  We enjoyed the visit with them.  Here is picture taken at that picnic showing the two girls, their Dad, and my wife and me.

You all practice on the cube and see if you can beat her.  I am not sure if I ever solved that cubic puzzle.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Dang!! That girl is Abby Normal!! Able to do that thing at all , much less in that short time.

    Personally I threw mine away after I smashed it with a big ole hammer!!!
    And of course mine was one of the originals. I personally have never met anyone who could solve it.

  2. Actually Rubiks's Cube ain't all that hard to solve. It takes patience, visualization of the colors and a lot of common sense.
    Took me bout 6 months first time. After that, bout 8 to 10 minutes. Of course, it was one of the originals, what are much harder to solve. Son Daniels first time was bout a hour of total frustration and "under his breath" mumbles.

  3. My youngest son never did do it, so one day he took that thang apart and put it back together right...lololol. His friends were doing them in seconds. These were the originals too.
    O yeah, i never could either...

  4. Ben, Yep, I think it is great for a young girl like that to be able to do it so quickly.

    BB, what the heck is the difference in old or new ones? As far as I know they have the same number of colored squares. My kids had them, but I don't ever remember doing one. Probably couldn't.

    Trouble, I like number games like Sudoku and mahjonge.

    1. I don't know what the difference would be. You gonna have to ask old Ben, he's the one what brought it up. "And of course mine was one of the originals".

  5. Start with a new cube. Film it as you mess it all up until it looks pretty random. Run the film backwards. More than one way to skin a cat.
