Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wondering about a pleasant surprise.

Yesterday afternoon, we heard a strange motor running and it sounded like it was on the back of our property.  I took a little walk and my son was running a big ole gasoline weed-eater trimming up around his place.  He said he would be up to see me later.  We haven’t seen him for quite a spell.  He also said that his girl friend’s son was cutting my front lot with my son’s riding mower.  My wife and I figured if they all came to visit it would be better to go out and sit and visit in the motor-home so our dogs wouldn’t be a bother.  We hardly ever get company so our dogs are not used to other people being around and it takes them a while to settle down.  As it turned out we made the right decision since my son’s friend’s son had his wife and 9 month old baby with them.  They had come from California for a visit.  Nice, friendly family.

They cut all around the front of my place.  That was sure a pleasant surprise and believe me, I sure did appreciate it.  They told me that there were some new signs of feral pigs being inside my son’s fence rooting under the rabbit cages.  (My son raises show rabbits)  I will have to be on the look out for it or them, think I will do away with any new pigs taking up residence on my place, unless they start paying rent (grin).  They do a lot of damage and are dangerous, especially to our little dogs.  Planting a garden is impossible with them around; well that is the best excuse I can come up with right now for not wanting to plant a garden.  A back up excuse is that we may be out on the road with the RV when things need picked or tended to in the garden.

You all have great day now, you hear?  And don’t fall for any April fool jokes or pranks.


  1. Glad you are taking a serious route on the wild pigs.

    And if I'm reading this right, you turned your castle on wheels into a guest house? or rather a large extended den/meeting room?
    Shoot you just as well put it up on jack stands and remove the new tires and store them out of the sun to preserve them. :-)

  2. DD i know your son has property next to you, but does he live there?
    When are we leaving?

  3. Ben, I may just do that, but first I have a few more things to get done to it. Then we may head out somewhere.

    Trouble, he lives there some of the time. He does not own the property but has a mobile home there. He also put in his own syptic system.
