Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wondering about a little 1950 style humor.

We went to the Cut & Shoot Post Office to get our mail yesterday, as we always do, but yesterday we stopped at The Cut and Shoot Tourist Trap.  I told you about that place back a few weeks ago. They always have new and different things in there.  Although a lot of the same stuff was there, they are always hunting new stuff to stock their two large buildings.  I found this box lying on the counter.
Of course I ignored it but then my curiosity got the best of me and I went back and opened it up.  Wow, never expected what I saw.  I have been told that my curiosity would get me in trouble some time, so it was a tense moment and I opened it very, very slowly.  And there IT was!!!!

This product was made quite a few years ago and it had a copy write date of 1950 by H. FISHLOVE & CO. of Chicago.  It even was registered at the U.S. Pat. Office.  The back of the box had an address form and a place for a stamp so that you could mail it.  It also had a note at the bottom saying “Postmaster:  May be opened for postal inspection.”  Now that may be an unique way of advertising a product, let the postal workers look at it and I bet news of this product spread fast throughout the postal service and their families and friends.

Oh yes, I suppose you want me to show you the contents of the box.  Now you know I had to keep you waiting, isn’t the suspense killing you?  Or did you skip ahead and take a peek and forget about reading all the great words I have written since the first picture?  OK, here it is:
Are you sure you are ready?

Yes, well then OK.

Hope you got a chuckle out of that.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Got me!!! :-) Yep,I stayed thorough the entire routine ..


  2. HAHAHAHAHA,,,and not even a pair!!!

  3. Hope ya bought that thing. The box is probably worth $20,000 on the Antiques Roadshow.

  4. Ben, glad I got ya. It got me, too.

    Sixbears, I thought it was. They had a great sense of humor back when I was growing up.

    Gypsy, Not quite priceless, but the laughs I got were.

    Trouble, I noticed that, too. Where is the other half?

    BB, yes I bought it. I thought that I would send it to my last surviving aunt who is in a nursing home. I did want to share it with you all first.
