Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wondering about a few fun spaced out facts.

You remember back when your parents told you to study hard and learn good math skills that they would be valuable to you in the future?  You don’t?  Well, I bet they did.  Now here is an instance when the math became very valuable in more ways than one.  A NASA manual with James Lovell’s lifesaving Apollo 13 calculations brought almost $400,000.00 at auction.  Not only did the math save lives and the mission, but it sold for a lot of money.

I have a lot of interesting and fun facts to tell you but I don’t want to bore you with them all at one time.  I would rather spread your boredom out over a couple of days (grin).  Now, you all have a great Tuesday, you hear?


  1. Anything that makes us think keeps the old brain working. We all know that is good for us as we age, so even if I don't quite understand certain things scientific, I love to think about them. Math has never been one of my better subjects, but I realize everything in the universe is based on math, and it is beautiful!

  2. My biggest problem isn't as much the thinking as it is trying to remember what I was thinking.

  3. Usually math problems don't result in a fireball crash to earth if you get it wrong. Lucky for me.

  4. sixbears, I try to keep my feet planted on the ground, just in case my calculator quits. Speaking of which, my old hand held calculator probably does more than the computers at mission control (grin).

  5. To bad math can't save the the space program..such a sad thing. feels like the American Can Do Spirt is being sucked out of our country.

  6. Jill, I believe it is and it is always the guy on top that does the most sucking!!

  7. Calculate 111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,?
