Saturday, March 3, 2012

Washing RV and wondering about online shopping channels.

I decided to take advantage of the summer type weather and started to wash my old motor-home yesterday.  Around here, if something sits for more than a few hours, mold starts to grow on it, well, it seems like it anyway.  Got the step ladder out, a bucket of soapy water, and the last of my B.O.S.S. (Best Of the Super Sponges) sponges and started on the passenger side.  Wouldn’t you know it, about a half hour into my scrubbing, it started to rain.  Actually, the rain didn’t hurt anything and since it was quite warm, it actually felt good.  It was not a heavy rain, but it sort of misted of and on for a short time.  I got all that one side done, the rear, and most of the front when my old body just plumb gave out.  Enough for one day, will try to finish it this afternoon when it warms back up.
I got wondering about the “shopping on line” TV channels that have become so popular.  I can remember a long time ago, (you know, back when there were only a couple of channels you could get) my Dad and I were discussing English TV channels when we heard a news report that the English channel that was watched the most was nothing but all advertising.  I could not imagine that!!  Advertisements, for me, where just bothersome interruptions to my favorite TV shows.  Well, things have gone full circle, now my wife watches QVC and HSN and I still can’t understand it (grin).  I will look at it for a couple of minutes if they have something that interests me, but can not keep watching them pitch the same item for a half hour.  I guess I am the exception, maybe even a little strange... Right?
Now, you all have a great day, you hear?  Unless you live in the southeast part of the county were all those tornadic storms are going through, then just be careful and safe.


  1. It makes my head spin to hear someone saying the same thing every different way they can come up with. I have made some good purchases on QVC & HSN, but they are few and far between, and I just happened to be surfing the channels and stopped to look at something interesting. I can't just watch them on their own.

  2. Quit those shopping shows way back,,going broke! lololol.
    Get that thang clean and sold,,get on the road!,,

  3. I got apprehensive about the “shopping on line” TV channels that accept become so popular. I can bethink a continued time ago.


  4. My cousin's wife was so addicted to those shopping channels that she couldn't stop herself from buying stuff they didn't need. Eventually, they went bankrupt.

    I'm glad I only watch movies on TV.

  5. Gypsy, me neither. I like the old black and white cowboy shows.

    Trouble, good thing you quit, wouldn't want you to go broke.

    Crispinfayol, you have to be careful, they are really good at selling.

    Sixbears, those channels also have web sites, so you can buy even if it isn't being shown on TV. No one here is addicted, but my wife does buy some things that we want or need.

  6. Not a TV shopper or mall shopper myself. To many other things I would rather be doing. I stop at a local mom and pop store for most of our food. It costs a little more but easy to get in and out. Plus not many choices so that speeds things up too!

  7. Jill, it is really hard to find a mom and pop store any more. Sadly, most have been put out of business.

  8. hi
    a nice blog
    keep posting
    i'll read it
    thank you
