Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wondering where to go.

I want to figure out where to go for our first extended trip in the new RV.  There are a gazillion places I would like go, all here in the U.S. of A.  I see no need to travel outside our country when there is just so much beauty and interesting things to see right here at home.  No one in one life time could see it all.  Now, in the limited time I have left, where should I go?  I said one time that I wanted to take some time and try to see different parts of Texas.  I still have lots of Texas that I haven’t seen although I have lived here since 1980, that is 32 years.  When I first came to Texas I had a pop-up camper that a few years after being here, a tornado demolished it.  That, and the fact my career was taking too much of my time, limited my travel.  I really didn’t start traveling much, except for trips back to Pennsylvania to see family and friends, until I purchased a Mobile Scout 28 foot travel trailer back in 2003.  Here are a few pictures over the next few years of the Mobile Scout:

There is a story about each trip, but this is dog grooming day and I have to get going and we also need to get supplies.  Someday when I get the chance, I will tell stories about past trips that I haven’t told before.  I do believe I have, at some time or another, told you about most of these trips.
Sorry, but I got to run.  I will “wonder where to go” more in another blog.  I do have lots of places I want to see. Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I vote Yosemite National Park. Go see those giant redwoods.

  2. Man, that would be a hard choice for sure! Where ever you go, I'm sure you will enjoy it!

    Just be sure you take lots of pictures...OK?

  3. At your age....old man, you need to be tell'n stories bout your travels in your brand spank'n new hunnert foots motorhome. Put everything aside and load up. You can do it big feller.

  4. Dang....only way I could make a comment was to download Chrome. This is NOT the browser I want to use.

  5. And here i been, wondering, just when you were gonna go use that new home. Let's GO! lol
    Liked that Scout too, but not the SNOW.

    1. Just roll out your full size Texas map and toss a dart at it blindfolded BUT you gotta commit to going where ever it lands before hand, no cheating.

  6. Grant, have only flown ro California, will have to get there in the RV someday. Did you notice the tri-band antenna on the truck? Usually ran 15, 20, and 40 meter resonators.

    Hermit, my wife takes pictures as we are going down the road. I,too, take them when parked.

    BB, going to do that soon, but it has 2005 tires on it and they are badly weather cracked. Got to get them replaced first - big cash outlay! Don't know anything about having to use Chrome. Do you know what I can do to fix that problem?

    Trouble, the snow was Christmas morning at Galveston Island State Park.

  7. Ben, what is that called travel roulette?

  8. I myself want to visit Maine again. Just loved it!

  9. I haven't been to main since 1949. We (my parents and I) rented a cottage on a lake that was boat access only. Had a great time.
