Friday, February 17, 2012

Wondering where the rain went.

Last night, the weather guys were predicting that today we would get five inches of rain in two different storms; about two and half to three inches in each. Therefore, they issued flash flood watches for today. Well, it is damp and humid here now but no storms. Where did they go? They went to Dallas instead. Passed us by on the west side and went on up to north east Texas. Since the ground is already saturated, most of the rain that falls around here today will run off into my swamp. That will help fill it up. It has to get pretty full in order to survive the summers.

Now they have re-issued the flash flood watches for later in the day and over night into tomorrow morning. The weather guys are sticking to their guns that we will get the second wave of storms. . . sometime.

Update on my phone line: no change, still do not have a dial tone. If they do not do anything today, I will call again. So, again today, don’t try to call me on the land line or twisted pair or what ever your pet name for the telephone is. One thing for sure, I want you all to have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Think the same weather guys that are lieing to you are lieing to me as well. They keep saying RAIN, all I see is drizzle .

    May be able to help you with your phone issue.

    This help?

    1. No, when I picked on that link I got the message "Resource is no longer available!" and "Error 410"

  2. When I was a younger feller, I was naive enough to believe anything the weatherman was say'n. Believing that, when it didn't rain or snow like they say, I went into all kinds of rants and raves bout how stupit weathermen are, call 'em lie'n sum a guns, used car salesmen, get all twisted out of shape.
    Weathermen are showmen....with a degree in forcast'n weather. Their job depends on ratings from the audience....mostly negative, but ratings none the less. They receive their information from the National Weather Service, then add their own "showmanship" touch. I think it was Johnny Carson (don't quote me on this) got his start as a weatherman way back when forecasts were a guessing game.

    1. I took a meteoroligy course for an elective when I was in college. For a couple of years after that, I could predict the weather better than the news. Now I rely on my wife's aching bones.

  3. 50% chance here last night, but all we really got was HIGH wind. Normally when there's a 50% chance down here it actually rains.

  4. David, sort you didn't get a little rain, would have helped the wild flowers.

  5. It's raining pretty good at my house, Dizzy. Good, slow kind!

    We need a lot more of this to make for a good season.

  6. Now that all the flowers have popped up here in Virginia, the weather guy said we might have our one and only snowfall Sunday. We'll see how and if that turns out. It was sunny and 60 degrees today.

  7. HJ, you are getting more rain than I am, but now I am getting some good steady, but light, rain.

    Jimkabob, that is how it usually works out, old man winter always gets in a final hard punch.
