Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wondering about coincidences.

I am not sure the word coincidence is what I am looking for. I am talking about how things work out to an end that couldn’t have been better if planned. I just love it when something like this happens and things like this happen all the time. I just read about one that made me grin and shake my head. First, let me give you some background so to better relate to you my point.

Asteroids are hunks of rock (and other stuff) that orbit the sun along with the planets. These things are what were left over from the time the planets were made. Some are small and some are quite large, so scientists keep a watchful eye one any that could come close to Earth. A large asteroid hitting our world would not be a pleasant experience, even if we did survive, so they are found and named. All have numbers and some have been named. The most famous is Apophis which came between the moon and Earth and it was thought that it could get dangerously close on one of its future passes. Apophis was named after the nemesis on the TV show “Stargate SG-1”, and of course for the evil Greek god. For a little more information on Apophis see this site:

I have never seen the movies with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, but I have heard a lot about them. I am sure you have either seen them or have heard of them, so I am going to post this short article from the magazine, Astronomy, authored by Bill Andrews for you:

“Asteroid chemistry. Asteroids 12818 Tomhanks and 8353 Megryan - discovered years apart in unrelated observations – made their closest approaches to Earth at the same time. Talk about a love written in the stars!”

Now that is what I call a coincidence, don’t you think? It is a little chilly out side this morning at 35 degrees and windy, so we are still deciding on whether to go to the flea market or not. You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Dang Dizzy!! You sure confused me this morning. So badly that I spent waay too much time searching for all Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movies and any that related to stars or space travel!
    Finally on about the third read I got it!!

    You ole Space Cadet you. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, but not only did they happen to approach Earth at the same time, it was amuzing that the names and the movies associated with those name seemed to match the situation.

  3. I got my dictionary out to see if serendipity or synchronicity fit. I think Sixbears is correct - it's synchronicity.

    1. I agree, but I still think that it was also a coincidence.

  4. It is a little chilly out there this morning! About 40 on the patio!

    Good day to stay inside!

    1. With the wind, it was a little chilly at the flea market. The weather always gets bad for the trail ride and the opening of the Houston rodeo.

  5. Now what I am wondering is what about back before radar and or telescopes how did we know we might get zapped by some asteroid. Funny the things people invent just so they can find something to worry about.

    1. There has been telescopes for over two hundred years, but they were not good enough to find asteroids. They hit without warning.
