Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day

I want to wish everyone out there a happy Valentine’s Day and wish you love and to be loved all the year through. Of course I can’t get through this day without thinking about what happened sixty-nine years ago that affected this world ever so slightly. No, it wasn’t the Valentine’s Day massacre; it was the day that I came into this world. The jury is still out on whether it was a good thing for this world or not. I am sure you would get different opinions, depending on who you ask and when you ask.  Now you know where I get all my charm, being born on Valentine's Day (grin).

Today will be a fairly warm one. It is suppose to get up into the mid 70’s. Not quite sure what I will do today. Maybe my wife and I will go out for lunch and then brows around a store or two. Now you all have a great day, that would make my birthday all the better.


  1. Replies
    1. Well Happy Birthday you olde Furt! :-)
      Many more. Enjoy, it's your day....

  2. Dani, thanks for good wishes. BTW, it is also my daughter-in-law's birthday.

    Ben, I am trying to keep ahead of you and behind BB.

  3. Happy Birthday, buddy! I'm not far behind you in years, but my B.D. isn't until November!

    I would have never thought I would make it this long! Pleasant surprise, I reckon! I hope your day is filled with a lot of grins and hugs!

  4. Happy birthday, Diz, and you have a great day yourself!

  5. Happy Birthday Mr. Dizzy and here is wishing you many many more.

    the mohave rat

  6. HJ, I too never thought I would live to be this old since my Dad died just after turning sixty.

    Trouble, double thanks back at ya.

    Gypsy, thanks for the good wishes.

    M-Rat, I hope your wish comes true (grin).

  7. Enjoy your day with your beautiful lady....

  8. Jim, thanks for the birthday wishes. I liked the wildlife pictures on your blog.

    Frann, we did get out for a few hours. BTW, when are you going to get your blog going again? I would like to see what you have done on you house.

  9. No wonder your such a nice guy. Born on this special day.
    Well a very Happy Birthday to you and I hope your day was filled with lots of love too
    Happy Valentines Day
