Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wondering if non-drought conditions will prevail?

They say this last rain broke our year long drought.  So, what does that mean? It sure doesn’t mean that it made up the deficit. It just means that during the month of January 2012, we received sufficient rain this month, you know, around normal for January. If we were to get enough to make up for the deficit for all last year, it would float Noah’s boat. Since my cousin who lives in Virginia wrote me an email saying that he heard on TV that Texas’s drought was broken and wondered if we got that much rain, he got me thinking about what it took to break the drought. Just enough rain to reach the normal level for one month, and we did that this month.

I do know that the frogs are happy around my place. It would be nice if the drought is really broken, but I am not so sure. If the same Pacific Ocean currents are, or will be, in place this year as last, we will be back in a drought before too long. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Have a good day, and hope none of you got into any dangerous weather yesterday.


  1. Sure looks to me like weather patterns over most of the world are changing, and I doubt we will ever get back to "normal". This is probably the new normal.

  2. I believe you are correct. Nothing is permanent except change.

  3. Even though we and you got some good rain. We ain't outta the woods yet. This dry weather has happened in Texas before and will again. It's just part of our reoccurring weather patterns . Don't believe all the hype and BS about Global warming.. It's normal.
    Texas Drought over ?

  4. That drought is NOT broken,,,Places near here have wells going dry in a couple of weeks, and the lakes didn't rise much at all, under a foot. LCRA still talking drought, and not a broken one either.

  5. I really hope the texas drought is over... but will just have to wait and see... Blessings Jane

  6. Ben, yep it ain't over yet but you never know around here.

    Trouble, just because we got near normal rainfall this month doesn't make up for the previous dry year.

    Jane, only time and more rain will tell.

  7. It seems TX bounces between drought and flood. Hope you get some livable weather for a while.

  8. The only thing you can count on concerning the weather is HOT in the summer.

  9. An Old Irish Blessing
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    hope the rain falls softly in TX this year.

  10. Thanks Jill, what a nice blessing, we needed that.
