Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Got It!!

What did I get? Let me tell you, it was a rough road. Every time I tried to buy this RV that I wanted, someone beat me to it and it was then listed as “sale pending”. That happen a few times and then one day I saw it back listed “for sale”. I called the salesman and he said he was sorry, that there was someone right at that moment trying to make a deal. Well, he called back the next day and said the guy couldn’t get financing and/or couldn’t reach a trade in agreement. So I jumped on it. Now I am a proud owner of my first class-A motor-home! It was a hassle getting it ready to go and we didn’t get out of the sales lot, which is located on the far south side of Houston, until 17:00, putting us smack dab in the middle of rush hour and I had to drive it the whole way through Houston and then on home. For the first time I ever drove a class-A, I had to learn real quick in traffic like that.

It was way after dark when we got near home and of course the fuel tank looked like it was almost empty, so I stopped and filled the tank. It is suppose to hold a hundred gallons, but only took 75. Still, at the cost of diesel, that put a dent in my wallet for sure. I never wanted a diesel, but after finding this unit that had every single thing on or in it that we had on our “wish list”, plus a lot more, I bit the bullet and got the diesel. They do seem to be built better.

Here are a couple of pictures of the inside that were taken by the RV sales place:
Of course, being dark and all, I managed to squash the big expensive automatic power awning on a tree trying to make the last curve in my drive way. Remember that tree that had the woodpecker holes in it? That’s the one, it leans out over the drive way and since it was dark, I couldn’t see in my mirror. Dang it anyway!!  As soon as I find someone with a chainsaw, that tree will be gone.

Here is a picture of where I let it sit for the first night. I didn’t want to try to maneuver it around in the dark and I was exhausted from the long day.
And close up of the awning damage (I will get better pictures today when the sun gets above the trees.
And one more I took while standing on the porch.
Yesterday, we moved it into its berth or home parking place and got it plugged in to the electric. Then I parked the Class-C next to it, between it and the house, and was able to plug it into the electric, also. All worked out, so far.

Now, I got to get busy on a paying job that needs completed by next week. So you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Well you ole sneaky dog you!!! Dang that's nice. BUT you ain't really gonna put all those dogs in it are you?

    BTW,, Merry Christmas!!! :-)

  2. Ben, yes the dogs go in it, too. And that will be my Chritmas gift for the rest of my Christmases. . .

  3. Way to go DD. I am very happy (and a little envious) for you. Congratulations!

  4. Michael, things will work out for you and when your home sells, you will be on the road in style.

  5. Super cool. Selling the other one I suppose? Happy for ya!

  6. Nice house on wheels you bought there. You'll be living in style. Any fool can suffer.

    After driving that rig through Houston, you are ready for just about anything.

    I'm a big believer in diesels. Two things: keep the oil changed, and keep spare fuel filters. One bad batch of diesel and you'll be going through a lot of filters. They last a long time. Don't be afraid to push it at highway speeds and on hills, as it's actually good for the engine.


  7. I think the new addition is just beautiful!

    Sorry that the tree and you had a falling out! I'd be getting rid of it as well!

    Sure is a pretty thing!

  8. update comment.. Dizzy , you want the phone number of my tree trimming guy? He was here yesterday and other than the tree being gone and the ground level stump , no evidence that tree was ever there.

  9. O Wow, DD, what a great Christmas present,,to u. Darned ol tree. Reaching out and hitting ur new home!!

  10. Congratulations DD, it sure looks like a big beast to me. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of it...

  11. Big 10-4 on the addition to your rolling stock, where are you heading for the maiden voyage?

  12. Sharon, I suppose I will sell it. Could pull it behind the newer one. No, I will sell it as soon as I get the chance to clean my stuff out of it.

    Sixbears, I know nothing about diesels, but there is a retired truck driver that lives in the neighborhood, so I may get him to walk me through the engine. It is a Cat C engine.

    David, you bet, I am still pinching myself to see if it is real.

    HJ, do you need any fire wood. I even have good seasoned oak from Ike. Come and get it.

    Ben, I bet he charges a lot for mileage, too far away, but thanks.

    Trouble, Yep, it will be Christmas presents for a lot of years.

    Lou, Only when the furnace isn’t running and the AC is on (grin). Yep, it is cooool.

    TFT, it is big, my wife says too big. I sure will not be able to get places I went in the Class-C. Don’t want to show too many pictures of it, but will post more.

    Jimkabob, no maiden voyage until I get it serviced and make sure all is OK. Don’t know for sure, maybe Rockport.

  13. It's gorgeous! I think you will be happy to have diesel - more power and better mileage from what I've heard (although I'm no expert on that). Congratulations on your purchase.

  14. Gypsy, I am hoping that I can learn about diesel engines, I now know that everything concerning them is expensive. It is CAT C7.

    Dani, thank you Dani, I hope I sure hope I get to enjoy it.

  15. Congrats Dick and Ruth, that MH is lovely.

    I didn't know that you were shuffleboard enthusiasts, that's what all that open space is for, right? LOL

    I have had A's, B's and C's, and driving A's is a whole different ball game.

    Happy Tails, and Trails, Penny, TX

  16. Penny, I have found that out. The driver sits way out in front of the steerable wheels, and at about 39 feet, it don't bend in the middle.
