Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wondering what is under the bandage.

Well, it has been the allotted 48 hours, so I removed the original bandage, cleaned the wound, put an anti-biotic ointment on it and re-bandaged it. That is a very awkward place to try and get a bandage to stay put. The incision is along the valley where my nose connects to my face (or used to – grin).

This morning was the first time that I got a look at it. I don’t know why he made the incision so long, except I heard the nurse say that he wanted a long enough incision for the stitches. It is like an old surgeon that is long gone from this world used to say when his patients wondered why he made such a long incision; “Incisions heal from the sides, not from the ends”. That was all he would say. Maybe he had big hands, what you think?

OK, here is a question for you. I took a picture of the incision and didn’t want to post it, in fear that it would offend someone. What do you think, should I post it or should I leave it up to your imagination? Sometimes the imagination is better and the real thing is disappointing.

Got to run, have some things I got to do and places I have to go. You all have a great day now, you hear?

OK, you asked for it.  Hey Billy Bob, here is that old ugly pick-up truck looking face:

And here is a close-up:


  1. PICTURES! Come on.. try and gross us out!!! :-)

    After you off the doc medicine, you gonna put some Aloe vera, on it?

  2. No pics would bother me, raised kids, lol. One loved to show off his stitches. Soo,,, em.

  3. Urp ... maybe you could post it behind a cut?

  4. When I head about an old pick up truck for sale, I let my imagination run wild. I could see this beautiful shiny pick up sit'n in the yard.Chrome all spiffed up, big wide drag rac'n tires on it, blower stick'n out the know what I'm talk'n bout. Then when I got my first look see that old truck, that exactly what it old ugly whiskey dented pick'em up truck.

  5. I want to see where your nose used to connect to your face!

    I don't think anyone will be grossed out with it! I can certainly understand how it would be hard to keep a bandage on!

    Bet it itches a lot! Places you can't scratch always seem to!

  6. Shoot,he done good!!! Considering what he has to work with! LOL LOL LOL

  7. Ben, the worst thing is it will not leave a big enough scar to give me charater. I guess I will just have to settle for ugly.

  8. Why is it so long?,,,,hahahaha,,,had to ask that.
    pull that nose over, can't see all of it. Do you take your own stitches out? Learned i could do that with the cats, just by snipping once, then they would pull them out, cleaning,,,saved more freaking out that way, taking them back to that horrid place. They just slide out, don't even feel it.

  9. Trouble, since I already paid for both visits, I may as well let the doc take them out. Yeah, I know they are easy to get out, but if I do it myself and something goes wrong, I am up the creek.

  10. Well at least your scar will be some place where it is easy to see. A lot of scars are, well next to or not far from things better left unseen.

  11. Hey Dizzy; I think those doctors get carryway when they get to cut on someone. I'm Gun shay of doctors don't go to one unless it is emergency.

  12. I agree completely with both of the Anonymous commenters. The more you see doctors the sicker you become, or so the doctors say.

  13. Reckon it's quite neat incision, and well placed rightnext to your nose - reckon you will probably not even notice a scar in a few months time - especially when you smile :)

    Am very surprised that the doc didn't remove a bit of your mustache - to prevent infection to the healing wound.

  14. Dani, I told them that they could if they had too. Guess that they wanted to keep as much of my ugly face covered to prevent shocking the rest of the world (grin).
