Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wondering about nothing in particular

Yesterday started out in the 70’s and ended up in the low 50’s. And it rained most of the day. I will not complain about the rain, can use all we can get. This morning it was 45 degrees. With the wind blowing, that is cold, but the sky is nothing but blue. It is going to be a nice, but cool, day.

I see that Lake Conroe Penny is going to set up at the same flea market that my wife and I go to every weekend that we are home. Will have to stop by her table and say “Howdy”. She picked a cool and windy day to set up there for the first time. I hope she has a warm jacket and I hope she sell everything she has.

Not much new going on this weekend. Still working on that same project. I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, that is if my customer doesn’t find something else he wants in a hurry. Not going to complain too much, it is good to keep my hand in the work so that I don’t get rusty and I can always use a little extra money.

You all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. Just hang on Dizzy, the cold is gonna be there in a couple days. It was 24 when I got up this morn'n and it's headed east. Ain't that the direction I'm go'n??? Dang!!!!

  2. We need to get all us old geezers together and produce lots of hot air. Maybe that will help?

  3. Kinda chilly here in Houston as well! Sure was a nice rain we got...slow and steady! That's the best kind!

    You have a great day, my friend!

  4. My snow's melting as temperatures climb way up in the 40s.

    By the way, is there really such a thing as "extra" money?

  5. Never feels very cold, when that wind isn't blowing. And it is today. I can tell when it quits by how much warmer my house gets. lololol. No matter what, there's little tiny places it finds to get in.

  6. i know coyotes like small animals. There's wild cats around here too, and not bothered ,,,yet. Jude stays under my house mostly, and one couldn't get there.

  7. Hermit, yes it is but just wait until tomorrow morning, it is suppose to get to 30 or below here.

    Sixbears, glad it is warming up some for you, the opposite is happening here, but just for a day or two. Extra money, only the government has that, they think.

    Trouble, yep the wind can find ways in, just like a sand storm. Sand gets in everywhere.
