Friday, October 21, 2011

Wondering about a new camera.

Do you use a digital camera? Most everyone does. I like the kind that I can carry in my shirt pocket and one that produces good pictures. A zoom is an added attraction. My first old digital camera, the one that used floppy discs to store the pictures, was a little too big to fit in my shirt pocket but it did have 10X zoom. It needed it, since the resolution of the pictures was not that high. Then a few years ago on a trip to Arizona via northern N.M., it stated giving me trouble, so I bought my first shirt pocket sized camera and was very well pleased with it and I still am. Now have you ever tried to take a shot in the bright sun? If so, you probably have the same problem that I have; the sun washes out the LCD screen and you just have to guess that the camera is pointing at what you want to take a picture of. Have you had that problem? I sure have, lots of times, and I decided to do something about it.

I have been searching for a pocket sized camera that has a view finder along with the LCD screen. Yeah, I know that the big expensive ones do, but I don’t want a “big” camera. Well, I finally found one at Wal*Mart. They had one on display so I got the lady and told her I wanted to buy one. She said they were out of stock and to check the other stores in near by towns. I was disappointed since this camera was only marked at $109.00, would fit in my shirt pocket, and should make quality prints. I went home and searched via internet all the other stores in the surrounding towns and they all had them listed but were all out of stock. A few weeks went by and just the other day I saw that they had one (only one) in stock and for another good surprise, it was now marked at $99.00. Of course I bought it.

It is a Canon PowerShot A1200 that takes 12.1 mega pixel photos AND it has a view finder along with a 2.7” LCD screen. Here are a few pictures of it, and on the last picture you can see the view finder right under the yellow star:

I put the batteries in it (uses double-A which came with it), put in a memory card (had to buy separate), and went outside and took a picture of one of my dogs at about 20 feet from her.  To demonstrate the quality of the picture, and I am sure I didn’t hold it as still as I should have and may not have allowed it to focus properly, I will show you the original and then keep clipping then down.  So the next four pictures are from the original (the first one) down through the close up of her nose.  I think it works rather well, don’t you:

And it has a view finder, too. Hot diggity!!

You all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. Glad you found your new camera. Good ole Canon, I carry my power shot with me all the time now . Will yours do videos as well?

    And today I posted a video from my new Digital Video camera as well. :-)

    Men and their toys huh?

  2. Like ur camera. Mine isn't near that good, but does what i need it to.
    And no,,didn't feel the quake, but was still asleep at that time of morning. I'm 102 miles N of San Antonio. I've never felt one, have you?

  3. Boy howdy I wish I had knowed that bout a month ago when I bought my pocket camera. Of course it don't have a view finder....and it costed a bunch more. Power Shot A3300 IS with 16 megapixel, 5x zoom-4x zoom. Sunshine is hard on old eyes.

  4. Ben, yes mine will do videos, as did my old one, also. Does yours have a view finder?

    Trouble, I have been near enough some to feel them but never did. Years ago when I and the kids went somewhere the wife stayed home and heard the glasses rattling in the cupboard. And I don’t need the extra pixels, just makes the file bigger.

    BB, 16 megapixels? Wow!! I was interested in a view finder and that is the only one I could find that would fit my shirt pocket. Wasn’t looking for more pixels. Too many pixels take up too much file space.

  5. Looks like a very nice camera and the picture sure holds the focus very well up close!

    I'll have to pay attention next time I go to Walmart!

  6. HJ, I only took the one picture. I kept cropping it down to the dog's nose to show how dense the pixels are. It is sort of like what "digital zoom" does only I did it in an old free photo program called Pstudio.

  7. I like your dog's expression Dizzy :)

  8. Hobo, her hair got all tangled up and she was shaved a month or so ago. Now that we can see her face, she sure can make you laugh with all the exprssions she can make. We have three of these shih tzu dogs, or should I say our children.
