Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wandering to the dentist

I have an early morning appointment with the dentist. It has been years since I have been to a dentist and when I told them that, they said I had to first come in for an appraisal. Actually, they used the word “exam”, but it is really an appraisal.

Got to get ready, take the garbage down to the road, and head out for town, so this will be a short blog.

Have a good day now, you hear?

OK, I just got back from the dentist. Glad I went, he found that the reason I was having some trouble was that most of the tooth that was under a cap was eaten away and he said the only thing to do with it was to pull it. Since the X-ray revealed that one root was detached from the main tooth because of decay under the cap, it was going to come out in pieces and would take more time than usual. (In doctor’s language, that means “more money”, right?) I got a prescription and will take an antibiotic and then get it out in a week. (I hate to take antibiotics so asked if I could take a pro-biotic with them and he said it was OK.)

When I first went in, they wanted to take a complete X-ray of my mouth. Had a machine that did a panoramic X-ray picture of your whole mouth. I declined but allowed a one tooth X-ray, only. I am just a stubborn old man!!!

Now I got to go pick up my prescriptions from Wal*Mart. They have one of them on their $4.00 generic list. Better than paying full price for both.


  1. Find you a Dentist that can put you plumb ass asleep to do the work.. ONLY way to go.

  2. It's not the pain in my mouth that I have a hard time with, it's the pain in my wallet.

    I get wicked hangovers from the shot they use to numb the pain. If it's something like drilling for a filling, I tell them to just drill and do it with pain killers. Rather have 15 minutes of discomfort than lose the whole day lying in bed.

  3. Told mine,,,"TIME OUT, GOTTA LAUGH",, lolol He kept u laughing the whole time.

  4. Good luck with your "appraisal" :D

    Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things to do.

  5. Ben, Nay, I like to know what is going on.

    6bears, You are so right. I also refuse any un-needed X-rays. Did so today.

    Trouble, This dentist is a new one for me. Haven’t been to one for a long time. Way too long.

    MsB, the appraisal alone cost a hundred bucks. . .

  6. Good luck on the visit...and keep the wallet covered!

  7. I had several teeth pulled back in the summer, and they gave me nitrous oxide. It didn't make me feel high or anything like that, but I was relaxed so I wasn't gripping the arm of the dental chair. I also had as much novocaine as they would give me, and I didn't feel any pain. That was in NY and I hate to think of what I will do about the rest of the dental work until I get back there. I think not seeing a dentist for so long has led to at least some of my heart problems. But I hate having dental work done, I'm scared to death of it, and can't afford it!

  8. I learned something about teeth pulling not too long ago Dizzy. The anticipation is way worse than the actual event. Didn't feel anything.

  9. HJ, thanks, and will try to hide the wallet.

    Gypsy, I left mine go way too long and it has affected my health. Looking forward to feeling better. I know I will be going back to the dentist a lot.

    Hobo, I had the same tooth on the other side of my jaw pulled. Pulling teeth do not bother me, even my impacted wisdom teeth that had to come out some years ago. When I first went to a dentest way back when, they had those slow belt driven drills. Took a long time to drill out a cavaty and they didn't use novocaine back then. A lot easier now adays.

  10. Good luck with your dental adventure.

  11. Thanks Jill, I am sure it will take a few more visits.
