Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Got a reprieve today and a product I like.

I thought that today was the day I was supposed to get my tooth pulled, but I was wrong.  The appointment is tomorrow, so I got a temporary reprieve.  I told you last week about what the dentist found.  I updated my blog that day when I found out the results of my exam.  To refresh your memory, here is link to that blog: (click here)
A lot of you our there are RVers and you all know that I am, too. I purchased a product a few years ago that has been worth every penny that I spent on it. I have a class-C motor-home and the house batteries are fixed in a compartment and since they do not slide out, it is hard to get to them for maintenance. It is impossible to check the water fluid level in them, so that is when I purchased the product, “QWIK-FILL”. It is an “on-board battery watering system”

This system replaces the caps on your batteries with attachments that have hoses connected to each other and then a long hose with a quick disconnect that can reach to the outside of the motor-home. The other part of this apparatus is a squeeze bulb attachment that has the other half of the quick disconnect connection. I keep this end section stored in a zip-lock plastic bag. Every now and then, I get the squeeze bulb section and hook it up to the rest of the system. Then I put the end of the hose in a jug of distilled water. You pump the bulb, which forces water from the jug into the batteries, until the bulb gets hard and will not squeeze anymore. This is the sign that the batteries are full. Just unhook the bulb section, put it and the distilled water away and you are done. Takes only a minute or two and I think it is a great product and time saver. Just thought you would like to know.


  1. You know, I believe this is the first time you neither Wandered or Wondered. That quick fill seems like a good product, and it reminded me that I need to check the battery on my solar system.

  2. Umm, battery checker... Wonder where the 12V starter battery is on my Toyota Hybrid? I "think" it's inside in the hatch back area. I never seen it but they always check it when I take it in for it's check up.

  3. Grant, I am getting lazy and my brain is numb. OK, I will wonder if I can do better later. May not have time to post tomorrow morning, with the going to get a tooth pulled. That may make you wonder (grin).

    Ben, this filling system should work on all bateries. Saves a lot of trouble.

  4. Lost a tooth the same way, DD. Sure did hate it. Thot the dentist should have found it before it got bad, so i no longer use that one.

  5. I bet ya a quarter if'n old Ben was to find them batteries in his trunk, he would find bout a hunnert fuzzy green corroded lawn tractor batteries from Walmart. That's just what I'm think'n, but I could be wrong.

  6. Well shoot, done forget what I were gonna say. Bout them auto water systems. I been gonna get one for my house batteries for at least 5 years, but ain't done it yet. If I had, I wouldn't have run my batteries low for the second time in 2 years. Hope I didn't kill 'em.

  7. Good luck with the dentist. I know that when I finish this round I won't go so long again. I'll end up with either 8 or 9 crowns and 14 cavities filled by the time it's over. 4 done and temporary on 2 more, three more teeth to start the process and at least 2 will need crowns. Of course, this is Honduras so my wallet is doing better than ours (about $250/crown, a bit more for the 2 root canals, like $50 or so per root canal). If I can I will avoid US dentists at any rate. Why aren't you going down to Mexico since you live (relatively...) close to have this done?

  8. Hey Trouble, I have a hole in my lower right jaw where the next to last molar was removed, now I am going to have a matching hole in the left side, after tomorrow.

    BB, Get them, much cheaper than replacing batteries

  9. I think I just found where the second battery in my new vehicle is hidden. I have to unbolt a panel to get to it. Bet it hasn't been checked in ages. That's a project for another day.

  10. Shadow, yep it is going to cost a lot more for me because this is just the beginning. OH well, it has to be done.

    6bears, I like that new vehicle of yours, even if it has a hidden battery (grin).
