Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finding flea-market treasures and John Wells?

OK, it wasn’t really John Wells but I had to take a second look to be sure.  You just never know what or who you will find at a Texas flea market.  He actually looked more like John Wells when seen face on.

I did, however, find a real treasure; binders of old Life magazines.

Life back then was a weekly magazine.
This issue was April 3rd of 1939 and it cost only ten cents.
We purchased two binders from 1939 and I had to get one from 1943, since that was the year that I was born.
I spent most of last night reading three of those magazines. Wow, they are great and I will learn more history through them than I ever did at school. Of course I will share some of it with you all.

You all have a good day and we will be going back to the flea market this morning. Maybe we can get some more of those bundles magazines, if there are any left. They are expensive, but well worth it.


  1. Yes, Life was a greatly read magazine. A favorite. Post was my favotite. And then there was National Geographic. I had a very old collection of NG dating back to 1903. Lost the entire collection in a fire in 1968. I was heart broken.
    I remember when I did flea markets. Took a big load to sell every week and went home with bigger load at the end of the day. Now I just pass them by know'n I'll buy some more junk.

  2. By the that a pic of John Wells????

  3. I'm a long ways from the nearest flea market. Probably a good thing. There's aways more treasures to buy.

    Those magazines are a slice of time and a reminder of a different way of life.

  4. LOL certainly bears a resemblance to JW :)

  5. BB, I had a collection of National Geographics that went back way before WW2 but gave them away to a neighbor in PA who was a retired colonel. That was about the same year you lost yours. And no, that ain’t JW.

    6bears, My wife and I like flea markets, but they do cost us some money, but it is usually well worth it. And the magazines are great, they tell it like it is back in those days.

    Dani, He sure does, but shorter than JW.

  6. Those magazines will certainly make for some interesting reading.

    I used to love going to flea markets but I found myself buying things that I really did not need so decided to give it up.

    Only resemble I see of that guy to JW is the long beard.

  7. Sure used love lookin' at the Life magazine pictures. Course my eye went straight to your last picture with the Lucky Strike ad :)

  8. MsB, they are wonderful reading and quite a learning experience. And face on, that guy looked more like JW, at least the way he looked the last time I was at the Field Lab.

    HoBo, these older ones seem to have more whisky and beer adds. The only cigarette ad I see is for Phillip Morris.

  9. What you talkin' bout Dizzy. You don't see that sideways Lucky Strike ad on the left side of the last picture. Looks like the idyllic tobacco farm with the couple inspecting their crop at the dining room table in their log cabin. In other words, brainwashing people into smoking.
