Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wondering about the Jeep Liberty

We took the RV out yesterday. First stop was to fill the gas tanks. I like to keep them filled in case we want to escape a fire or a hurricane or a . . . The second stop was to get the RV inspected. All went well, as expected. Then, since we had it out, we went to Wally-World and bought stuff. It makes it nice when you have a refrigerator and freezer to put the cold and frozen foods in to take home. That way there is no rush. After getting home, we took the Jeep and got it filled up and purchased lottery tickets. No, didn’t win anything.

Have an early appointment today to get the Jeep Liberty serviced and to repair a rear door window. Earlier in the year we had the right rear door window start to fall down into the door. I was told that was major problem with that vintage Liberty. Now, the left rear door window is doing the same thing. I don’t believe that I have ever put the back windows down, but the problem showed up anyway. Do any of you own a mid 2000 (ours is a 2004) Jeep Liberty and if so, have you had this problem. I have met a few people who have had the same problem.

Other than the window problem, since it doesn’t have 40,000 miles on it yet, it is like new and we have had no other problems with it. We used to have another vehicle to drive and “saved” the Jeep for pulling behind the motor-home. That was my plan, even before we had a motor-home. I knew some day I would trade my travel trailer in on a motor-home, so back in 2004 when we purchased a vehicle for a second car that my wife could drive when needed, the Jeep with 4-wheel drive was chosen. It is a good vehicle to be used as a “toad”.
Got to run, you all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. What? You hit the Lottery? You could afford to fill the gas tank on the RV ? :-)

    Not being a Jeep fan can't help ya on that, but you may find some info about at their website. May well be a recall on it. Keep digging.

  2. Solution: Don't roll the window down.
    If that was the only problem my '87 Bronco had I would be a happy camper.

  3. Ben, no I didn't win the lotto. There is no recall on them but there should be. My extended warrenty coverd most of it last time but it has expired.

    Oldfool, I don't think that I have ever put that window down. When this problem hits, the window just starts to sink into the door. Maybe an inch a day. It will not go back up and the window motor just makes noises.

    I waited for over two hours and then accepter a ride home. Don't know when they will come and get me.

  4. Too bad that you had to start having trouble, but now is the time to find it and fix it...before the bad weather comes.

  5. I would not mind finding a Liberty in a diesel. Not sure, but I don't think it's still available in the new versions. There was a guy I met in Florida who was running his on a 50/50 mix of diesel and filtered waste vegetable oil. No problems, as it was a warm climate.

  6. HJ, I talked to a lady who had this same thing fixed 7 times on the same vehicle. There must be a flaw in the design or the parts. Hope it holds up for the bad weather. So far the passenger side rear window is still OK after being fixed awhile back

    Sixbears, No, I don't think you can get one with a diesel. They are on a strict gasoline diet.
