Monday, August 1, 2011

Reviewing my wandering, part 1

At the risk of redundancy, I am going to go over the highlights of my RV trip. We got all packed up and hit the road mid to late morning on Sunday, July 9, 2011 and returned Saturday, July 30, 2011. That was a full three weeks on the road and we went through thirteen states.

The first night we stayed at a KOA in Texarkana, TX and had to put up with almost unbearable heat. The following is a typical view through Texas and parts of Arkansas:

We decided before we left that we were only going to go 250 to 300 miles a day and travel at 57 mph. We may have gone over the 300 mile limit the second day, but got through Arkansas and into Missouri where we stayed at another KOA in the south-eastern part of that state.

The next night we stopped again at another KOA on I-70 in Illinois just west of the Indiana state line. It turned out to be a nice place. But, the next day's travel through Iniana and part of Ohio was really bad.  The interstate was so rough we thought that it would shake the old motor-home apart.  We definitely decided not to return home that route.

The following night was spent in a wonderful RV park in Ohio wish was part of a huge sports complex. Remember this blog where I showed the old Airstream Motor-home:

Here is a picture of some of the buildings:

There where even trap and skeet shooting areas, all different kinds of sports fields, and multiple buildings and roads. I don’t know what all type of events were held there, but there must have been a lot of them.

Just to let you see how private it was, here is a view of my RV in the near center with the Airstream on the left and a trailer way in the back right. Nice place:

And of course a sunset that evening:

The next day we headed for Greenville, Pennsylvania.  Of course a picture of a Pennsylvania farm is in order:

This brings us up to our stay at the Farma Family Campground, which I covered in some detail on my blog while I was there. We would love to go back there sometime. My wife and I both really enjoyed the area and the access to natural wooded areas to take walks and explore. We had a good time there and got to visit with my Aunt and with new friends that we first met at a flea market in Texas. Yes, I did promise to tell you more about these people.

My wife and I met this wonderful lady at the Old Security Flea Market on hwy 105 here in Texas. She seemed very nice and we talked with here a couple of weekends in a row. One day she said that she had been in Texas babysitting her son’s kids. From what I understood, she had been here for quite some time. She mentioned that she was selling at the flea market to get enough money to fly her and her grandkids back home. Of course I asked her where home was and she said Pennsylvania. We asked her where in Pennsylvania and she said the Greenville area. “Wow!!” I said, that is where we are heading to see my Aunt. It is such a small world. She and her family have a 200 acre truck farm and sell at farmers markets in Greenville and other towns around the area.

We told her that we would stop in and see her when we got up there, and that is exactly what we did. They had a wonderful, unique place and we were so glad that we got to see it. Here is a picture of the couple:

They were wonderful people and it was so nice of them to invite us to their home, feed us, and give us some vegetables to take with us.

I believe that this is enough for now.  Don't forget you can click on the pictures to enlarge them. To be continued. . .

You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. I LOVE travel logs!!! Whar's the videos? :-)

  2. To get a video, print out duplicates of all my posted pictures and then thumb through them real fast. . .

  3. I love how well their food from the garden looks...I lost all mine to the drought.

  4. Thanks so much for letting us travel along with you! Beautiful country there in PA.

    Nice looking veggies! Bet that place was something to behold!

  5. Fran and HJ, they had a beautiful garden. I guess you could call 80 to 100 acres a garden. They also had a smaller area that was pure organic. That left about 100 acres of woods. Really nice. They said that they didn't have much money but that they ate well.
