Friday, August 5, 2011

Remembering my wanderings – Part 5

It was time to leave Butler and head for East Brady and the Allegheny River for the reunion picnic at my cousin’s home along the river.  On the way, my wife snapped some pictures of the typical landscapes and the untypical stuff that we might see.  This is typical farmland:

Now this building that is for sell is not so typical.  It looks like it has its own oil well.  Pennsylvania has the first oil well ever drilled, Drakes well.  I saw it many years ago when I was a boy.  And no, I didn’t see it working, I am not THAT OLD!!!  Pennsylvania was and still is an oil and gas producing state.

A little further down the road and she tried to get a picture of a wooden railroad bridge, but I got my big old nose in the way.

Here is a cropped close-up:

And a little more of the typical views for that area; something we don’t see around here where I live:

This next picture is when we got to the farm that you could see in the distance in the above picture:

Here was our first glimpse of the river:

And a view looking up river as we drove up along side of it:

We had a great time at the reunion.  There were about 60 people there and most of them brought food.  Here is a picture of one of my cousins from Greenville cooking for all of us:

My aunt escaped from the nursing home and came to the picnic.  She said she was going to do it and she did.  She spent the entire day there and late into the night.  Before she left she got to see fireworks over the river.  This pictures shows her talking to my wife.  She also had a wet towel over her head because of the severe heat that day.

This is one of many group pictures that were taken.  Bet you can’t pick me out from all my relatives. . .

One last bit of information that you probably don’t care about, but I do.  My cousin from Virginia came up and brought his father’s (my uncle’s) old Gibson guitar that he purchased back in the 1930’s.  Wow, just to hold it gave me the chills.  What a thrill.  I tuned it up with my electronic tuner and played it.  A wonderful climax to a wonderful reunion.  Thanks Jim for allowing me the privilege, not only of touching and seeing it, but to play it.  Here is a picture of my cousin and his wife:

Next blog will be starting home by the southern route.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. WHAT? No video of you playing out on the Old Gibson? Shame , Shame..

  2. I agree, just to touch and old Gibson.....holy cows, that would have made my day. Sure would have liked to see a pic of that "twang" thang. Better yet, of you holding it.

  3. You are right DD, if it weren't for the silver ZZ beard and the Field Lab t-shirt, I never would have found you. (not)

  4. Ben, Don't know why I forgot to get a picture of it, but my cousin said that he would send me a picture. I have an old picture somewhere of his dad holding it.

    BB, yes it was a thrill, especially since it had been in the family 80 years of so.

    Michail, Yep, I just blend in to any crowd. . .
