Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wondering why this day didn’t start out too well

Everything seemed to be starting out like normal.  Our male dog, seen here with his toy monkey, got up at the usual time (just before 06:00).

Then I decided to go back to bed for just a few minutes. Dang, finally my eyes popped open at a little past 07:00 with a little help from on of my other dogs. OK, so I slept in, probably needed that but lost an hour and my days don’t seem to have enough hours in them anymore. Then I walked past the security monitor and saw one of my garbage cans pushed over, lid off, and stuff scattered all over the place. So guess what I did for the next half hour. If it was wildlife that did it, I can understand. There is just not much food available for them any more. This extreme drought has surely affected them and I bet there a lot of hungry (and thirsty) wildlife out there. But if it was the neighbors’ dogs, that is a different story. Just for your information, I tied the lid on the garbage cans like I used to when I had pig problems.

If you are a follower of my blogs you will remember the problems that I had changing the oil in my motor-home and couldn’t seem to get a filter that would seal. Well, yesterday I changed the oil since it had been awhile even though there was hardly any miles on it. This time I checked to make sure a gasket didn’t come off the old filter and stick to the seating area for the new one. Also purchased a special pan for catching the oil and it has a spout for emptying. Job was a lot easier and went smoothly with no problems.

OK, you all have a great day and be safe out there over this long holiday weekend. I am going to head for the flea market, as usual. We old folks have trouble changing our schedule (grin).


  1. Nothing like having to start the day by picking up the garbage from an upset can!

    Certainly glad you got the filter changed on the MH without any trouble! My problem would be getting up once I was done! I think I might need some help...

    You have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. HJ, Yep, a good start to the day and I did have trouble getting out from under it and getting back up. My back is screaming at me today. Hey, when did I get old?!?!
