Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wondering about fear.

Fear is something we all have. Some have more than others, but if you are really honest, we all fear something. We may not be terrified of anything, but we all have a little fear about something, whether it is as simple as stage fright or as serious as being afraid to leave your house. Of course we would think, since we are the ones with the big brains, that we would be rational about our fears. I do not think that is true at all. Fear is a survival reflex and has kept the human race alive thus far, but fear has also been the cause of the unnecessary elimination of a lot of people.

As an example, on the news yesterday was a story about a couple of large sharks that were caught at two different locations along the gulf shore around the Galveston area by men surf fishing. Now I am sure that put a real dent into the amount of people who went into the water. People are now afraid of being attacked by a shark, and it brought back flashes of the movie “Jaws”. If they were logical, they would fear the drive to the beach a lot more than the going into the water. The chance of getting killed by a shark is 1 in 3,943,110 where as the risk of dying in a motor vehicle accident is 1 in 88, the risk of dying of a stroke is 1 in 28, the risk of dying of cancer is 1 in 7 and the risk of dying of heart disease is 1 in 6. The total risk of dying of any cause, of course, is 1 in 1 (grin). Why is it the things we fear most are the least likely to happen? Is there any logic there?

Some of the above information came from an article that I read in “Discover” titled “What You Don’t Know Can Kill You”. It was a very interesting read and I recommend it to you all.

I will leave you with a thought and a question. We should fear that big juicy hamburger that you had at the 4th of July picnic more than almost anything else your can conjure up in your mind. And my question for you today is: What is your worst fear? Of course it would only be fair if I told you my worst fear first. As I have gotten a lot older, I fear less and less. Of course I fear loosing loved ones, terrible storms, oppressive governments, sickness and plagues, and becoming senile. If I had to pin it down to one thing, I guess it would be that I fear the unknown the most. The more knowledge and understanding that we have of things, the less we fear them. Of course, in some cases, ignorance is bliss. OK, now tell me your worst fear.

Now that I had you remember all your fears, I hope you still have a great day.


  1. I fear being put in a box -be it a real one like a jail cell or a metaphorical one like a life situation.

  2. Sixbears, like the song, "Don't Fence Me In".

    Also, let me appologize for posting a second blog on fear. I forgot that I did one on May 16th until my wife reminded me. I guess my big fear of senilety is coming true. . .

  3. My biggest everyday fear I guess is Heights!! But flying in a balloon never bothered me. Next would be close in spaces, Like a cave or cavern. Been in one cave complex, Natural Bridge Caverns way back when it first opened to the public. Won't go again.

  4. Boy howdy I could have some fun with this.....but I won't. I agree that the older ya get the less fears you gonna have. But then I got to think'n bout "scare" instead of fear. I member one time I got the jaheebees scare slap out me when I turn around and see a little black bear eye'n my fresh caught trout. It weren't so big that I feared for my life, but it scare the hell out me just the same.

    I would take a wild guess that the biggest fear anyone would have is the fear on a painful death. You know, like cancer and stuff like that. That's mine anyhows. Just tuck me in bed at night and forget to wake me up in the morn'n.

  5. I fear I can't be of much help on this one DD...

  6. Ben, I have known others who were feared heights but could fly in or pilot small aircraft.

    BB, a bear has a way af scaring people for sure. Also, I agree with you, just want to die in my sleep. I fiegured you would want to get shot by a jealous husband. .

    FT, dang that scares me.

  7. Hi I came over from Michael aat rv007...right now my biggest fear is my dad dying a very painful death that he does not deserve. My next biggest fear is that I don't have enough guts to do whatever it is I really want to do in life...and that is to live it at my fullest!

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog and for becoming the 50th follower. I lost both of my parents and a son, and the deaths of loved ones has to be the worst fear fear of all and unless you die very young, it is a fear that all to often comes true.

  9. I am not afraid of anything. However, I do have concerns....taking care of my dad is a big concern because I could NEVER do anything right. I don't fear my own death, but have concerns about the dying process. Now, there are meds out there to ease you on home in a painless way. I believe in the here-after and figure those that are already gone just took an earlier bus. They're waitng for me just inside the gate and I find comfort in that. I have big concerns and maybe this is turning into fear, about our government and what they can do to us. However, I have more ways to protect me and my property than I ever did. I guess with every concern, I try to find a solution. Except for the 'dad thing'. I'm trying not to fear that one.

  10. Sharon, sounds like you are pretty well set. I too have concerns about the govenrment, but they can only make things miserable for us or kill us, but they can't take our soul.
