Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wandering around seeing old friends and relatives.

First, a good friend of ours sent a link to some pictures of the damage here at the RV Park that we are staying at.  The worst part of the storm was very localized and a few hundred yards on either side of the campground didn’t show any signs of damage.  Here is a link to a video.  Like most, there is an advertisement at the beginning:

Yesterday we went to Wal-Mart for supplies and after supper we went and visited with an old classmate of mine who was also the best man at our wedding.  He has had a very interesting life and has come home from his worldwide wanderings to settle back in his parents’ home.  He has made a lot of additions and improvements and also has a huge vegetable garden.  I was really glad to meet with him after not seeing hem for going on 50 years.  It so happened that two years ago we were both at the same high school reunion and in the same class picture but we did not recognize each other.  Time changed both of us.

This morning I am off to visit with an old school teacher of mine.  He also sold real estate and he was the one that finally sold my house after I moved out of Pennsylvania.  He is also a ham radio operator and we have kept in touch via email.  We will probably not recognize each other.  This will be another fun meeting for me.

Also, one of my customers needs me to do some work for him.  That will seriously put a dent in my vacation fun.  Dang, maybe I can put him off until I get home; probably not.

You all have a good day today, I will.


  1. Finally got the news report of the damage to load.. Man, you must be living right!!
    And tell that guy that wants work done you'll get to it when you get back home to your big computer!!!
    Go take a nature walk!!

  2. Occasionally I meet old classmates and people I used to know. For some reason, even with being heavier, with longer hair and a beard, they recognize me. I, on the other hand, have no clue who the heck they are.

    Maybe it's me. :)

    After high school, I made some effort to keep in touch with my old friends. Still friends with most of them 35 years after high school. They are scattered all over the place these days.

  3. Tried to view the video and got the below message. :(

    The links on this page have expired. To get live links, you must open the message again by clicking the Subject link in your message list.

    BTW most of my old real good friends have checked out of this life.
