Friday, May 6, 2011

Supplies and Work Today

Amazing, I got an email yesterday afternoon with enough information that I can now go ahead and finish up the model and make a proposal drawing.  Only trouble is we are out of supplies and have to run to Wally-World this morning.  Maybe I can get some of my work done before we head out.

I guess what I am trying to tell you is that this post is going to be cut short.

You all have a nice day now, you hear?


  1. Well, since you said to have a nice day, I think I will. :)

    Have fun. Don't take this job stuff to seriously. Thanks for stopping by the web on your way to wally world.


  3. Sounds like ur like me, got something u have to do, get it done n over with. glad u stopped by.

  4. Thank you all for taking time to stop by and comment. Sixbears, hope you did have a nice day. Anf Frann, building an earth house sounds like WORK to me. Trouble, yep, "Get-R-Done"
