Monday, April 4, 2011

Wondering about Mr. Love.

A little over 20 years ago, I took a full time job at an industry located on the north side of Houston. Depending on the traffic, it was a half hour to way over an hour’s drive twice a day. To keep myself occupied and entertained, I talked on the 2 meter amateur radio to other local hams on the air at that time. Sometimes I would turn on the HF-radio and talk long distances, but mostly I chatted with the locals. We all got to know each other and although we didn’t establish a club, we did start meeting once every month for breakfast. This monthly breakfast grew and it was not uncommon to have over 30 attend and it still goes on today. Not today, but the fourth Saturday of every month.

Anyway, it was through these amateur radio activities that I met this fellow. He was a native born Texan and had lived in this area all his life. I will not go into details, but twists and turns in his life gave him the opportunity to move to Eastern Pennsylvania. The biggest mistake he made was moving in the middle of winter. That must have been a real shock to his system, learning to live with the cold, the ice, and the snow.

Before he left for PA, he got into photography as a hobby. He seemed to have an eye for what makes a good picture. He entered a few contests and did very well. Then he moved to the Northeast the last of December over a year ago. He had a whole new pallet to work from, so to speak. His love for photography kept him busy in his free time, trying to photograph all the things new to him. I believe that he does have a good eye for what makes a pleasing picture. He says that he has taken thousands of pictures and now his dream is to go professional. What would be more satisfying than earning a living by doing something that you really like? So, he has decided to try his hand at selling some of his pictures.

I thought that you would enjoy seeing some of his pictures. I have so many, it would be hard to decide what to show you, and so I have decided to take the last four he sent us along with one of Lake Conroe in the early morning.

The flower:

A lake at either sunrise or sunset:

Cat & Rose:

A swan:

And Lake Conroe in Texas:

Here is his website if you are interested:


  1. For some reason I don't understand, most pictures posted on blogs never make it to my computer screen. I got the flower and the swan, but not the rest. I thought it might have something to do with using LiveWriter, but I've never heard you refer to using it.

    You are right - this fellow has a definite eye for photography, and least from the way the two shots are framed that I can see. I wish him success. He must have liked what he saw in PA and the Northeast. Beautiful country!

  2. He's got the eye for it for sure.
    BTW, all the pictures showed up here just fine!!
    Don't know what Gypsy's problem is,,maybe using a MAC and IE ? :-)

  3. Gypsy, sorry you didn't get to see all of them. I really liked the last one which was a foggy moringing on Lake Conroe with a dock, light, and bird. Sign out and try again.

    Ben, glad you got to see all five of them. He does have an "eye" for a good picture.

  4. Very nice pictures, I think! The one of the cat and the rose is beautiful!

  5. Your friend's pictures are really good,got to see them all too,great pics! Blessings jane

  6. HJ, he has done other cat pictures in the past and they were good, also. I think that cats pose better than dogs.

    Jane, I will make sure he reads your comment.

  7. Dizzy-Dick said...
    "You got rain? Dang, here in Cut & Shoot it just got dark and the wind blew real hard. My bass are leaving dust trials when they try to swim too fast. Need rain!!!! "

    LakeConroePenny,TX said...

    "Oh, Dizzy-Dick, it was just a teaser.
    Didn't rain long enough to do any good.

    Sorry about your bass. If you train them to swim in straight lines, they could till the furrows in your garden."

    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX

  8. Penny, it sure has been crazy weather.
