Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wandering to Huntsville State Park, again.

Well, I needed some sleep and the only time the dogs will let me sleep in is when we are off camping in our RV.  So we headed up to the nearest State Park, which is Got there in the early afternoon, and just sort of did nothing.  Isn't that the way it should be?  We also went to bed early last night, about 10:00 pm and the dogs didn’t get us up until after 08:00 :

And a picture taken from another angle:

And the last one is looking down toward the main part of the lake. You can’t see most of it because it is around the other side of the hill:

It is bright and sunny today, so will try to get one or two more pictures, and another good night of sleep.


  1. About your dogs not letting you sleep at home! Simple solution silly!! Put the dogs in the RV at night when it's parked at home.. Jeeze!! I gotta tell you everything? :-)

    Have a nice quite few days.

  2. It sure does look peaceful there!

    I haven't been to that park in years! That's a shame because it is so close!

    Enjoy the extra sleep!

  3. lmaoooo,,,on Ben giving advice on dogs, with him bellyaching all the time about his cats waking him up!!! DD, got any advice on that subject? hahahahaha

  4. Ben, actually I have thought about going out there at night. Just never did.

    Hermit, just get in your car and drive up here. I am in spot number 12. Nice day today.

    Trouble, Me give advice?? You picked the wrong person.

  5. According to the fishermen on TKF there is a lot of nice fish to catch from Lake Raven in spite of the alligators in it.

  6. Dizzy, glad you got some sleep! Hope you enjoyed the camping. Blessings jane

  7. Dizzy,, drop me an email please. Thanks.

  8. Barney, you are right. I used to bring my canoe up here and fish.

    Jane, Always enjoy camping. You know that a bad day's camping is better than a good day working.

    Ben, On its way.

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