Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wondering if I am getting . . . what was I wondering?

Some times I wonder if I am getting senile. Have you ever had one of those moments, you know, when you were really forgetful or just plain acting dumb? Well, sometimes I think that I was born that way. Why just a little bit ago, my wife asked me a very simple questions that only needed a “yes” or “no” for an answer. I was putting stamps on a couple of envelopes and just couldn’t seem to be capable of doing or thinking about more than one thing at a time. She had to wait until I was through, then I answered her.

I can remember (yes I still can remember some things) when I could do all sorts of different things at the same time. Multi-tasking was one of my better traits. Now, it seems, just one task is sometimes too hard to handle at one time. Like spreading nutter butter (I don’t use peanut butter, but use almond butter) onto crackers. Sometimes I like to only do half at a time, collect my thoughts, and then finish that huge project. OK, I admit, I am not quite that bad yet, but I am working on it.

During the day, I come up with these really great ideas for my blog. The trouble is, the next morning when I turn on my computer, put the keyboard on my lap, put my fingers on the keys, my mind goes blank. I can’t remember any of those super ideas that I had the day before. I guess I will have to start carrying 3”x5” cards in my pocket. Hey, I already do carry 3”x5” cards in my pocket along with a pen. I just never think to write the ideas down.

OK, I admit, I cheated on this one. After the situation with the stamps and my wife’s question, I got this flash of an idea to use it in this morning’s blog. So to be on the safe side, I went straight to the computer and wrote the first two paragraphs. I figured that doing that would allow me to remember what to write about today. So far, it is working.

Now, I can’t remember anything else I wanted to say.


  1. Yea, I have those same type shirts... Oh wait!! What were we talking about?


  2. How bad is it that I'm starting to have those moments at 31?

  3. Ben, I thout it was pants. . . LOL

    Grant, I guess you are over the hill when you reach 30 (grin). Maybe it is all the RF interfering with the grey matter. .. Just kidding, It is normal, we all have those moments (I keep telling myself).

  4. I do it all the time..if figure that a good way to get exercise...what did I come to the top of this hill for?

  5. I also have my senior moments,and lately they seem to be coming more often and staying longer! Could be I'm getting older,lol.Blessings jane

  6. Frann, I know what you mean. I have to take extra trips back and forth into rooms all the time.

    Jane, maybe memeory loss in old age is a good thing. Don't want to remember what all we could do when younger.

  7. To add to your original comment. I think we suffer from The Here After disease !!

    You know,, go into a room, stand there and look around and ask yourself. " What Am I Here After"

  8. when i got bad enough at that to notice, i mentioned it to my younger bro, he said, well, if it makes it any better, ive done that all my life. i could always, in the past, remember names. noooo more. in fact, cant remember names of ppl ive known a long time. (HEHEHE,, i blame it alll on alll these meds im taking!!!) the before, and the after.

  9. Ben, Yep, I suffer from that a lot

    Trouble, I never forget a face, but I have never been able to remember a name, even 5 minutes after I have been introduced.

  10. Suffer from all of that myself and its the pits! I've actually thought about buying one of the micro recorders to carry in my pocket and when I want to remember something just pull it out of my pocket and talk in to it. I keep forgetting to buy one though and would probably forget to use one even if I did.

  11. Dick, I live on post-it notes. I actually have a great memory about important things, the things my brain knows are important like what dosage of medicine an animals gets at night and at what time. But as far as blogging, when I think of something I want to tell I jot it down on a post it and stick it on the monitor. Also, am good with faces, I never forget a face but the name that goes with it sometimes is just...gone. Unless it is someone who really made an impression either good or bad. Then I always remember and avoid. All in all for 68 I think I am doing fairly well memory wise. I still have those moments of going into a room and then having to recall what for but have done that all my life!

  12. The trouble with post-its is that they become part of the furniture in a short period of time. I have to move them around to a different spot so that I'll 'Spot them!"

    Senility, here's how to tell if your there yet!

    It was once thought that a man was senile when he forgot to pull his zipper up after going to the bathroom, but that's all changed now.

    The new sign of senility is when a man forgets to 'pull down his zipper' "Before he goes to the bathroom!

  13. DD, I need a teleprompter, man!

  14. David, hey, that is a good idea. But like you, I would forget to buy one and probably forget to use it or forget where I laid it down.

    Kathie, I use post-its also and I always keep a pen and a few 3” x 5” index cards in my shirt pocket. Trouble is, I always forget to write notes to myself.

    Ernest, if you use post-its too much, they get like wall paper and you can’t see the computer screen for all those little colored square pieces of paper. BTW I still remember to pull the zipper down.

    Ginger, good idea, it is good enough for the president, it is good enough for you.
