Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Repurposing, etc.

My wife told me that she has been repurposing. OK, what the heck is “repurposing”. My old dictionary doesn’t have it listed. So, I have to break down and admit to her that she may know something that I don’t. She tells me it is using something for a different purpose than it was originally designed or made for. OK, that makes sense to me.

She went on saying that the last card that she just finished was repurposed. She made it out of stuff that had been used for something else. So, I guess that this was not the first one made that way.

I found the last three cars she was working on and thought that you would like to see what she has been up to the last couple of days. This first one is her “repurposed” card. Here is the inside

And here is the outside:

Now here is the inside of one that she made for St. Patrick's Day:
Now the outside:

And one with travel posters all over it.  The inside:

and the outside:

BTW, all you old people out there like me should go read Nick Cooper’s blog and watch the movies.


  1. I love your wife's card's, I really liked the st patrick's day one. Lot's of things are repurposed today. Thanks for sharing. Blessings jane

  2. Hi Dick,
    What a talented lady your wife is, I have not a creative bone in my body when it comes to crafts and things like that. I think I am re-purposing when I use an old peanut butter jar to hold flowers in the summer! LOL!

  3. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without, or repurpose it.

  4. Jane, We send homemade cards every day our Post Office is open to my Aunt who broke her hip. Keeps her spirits up.

    Kathie, Using an old jat to hold flowers is re-purposing for sure.

    Ben, Yep, you got it right.

  5. Hey dick thanks for the link to my blog! Sorry I took the movies down already, if I would have known you were gonna do that I would have left them on there.
