Thursday, March 3, 2011

It’s a Computer Miracle!!

I am back up and running. No, it is not because I am such a good computer technician or a geek, but to the contrary. First of all, I want to thank all of you for your suggestions and I will definitely download Firefox today, as most of you suggested.

First off, let me explain what happened, how it started, and how it got fixed. Yea, sure, and then I will tell you how to eliminate the National Debt and exactly how many planets there are in this Universe that has intelligent life on them. In other words, I don’t have a clue.

OK, the first hint of any problem was the night before, the computer didn’t want to shut down, had to hold in the power button. Then the next day, the first thing that quit working was my thumb drive in a USB port. This has happened before, but a reboot usually fixed that problem, but not this time. Then my printer quit working. Actually, the printer didn’t quit working; it just couldn’t get the information. I checked my printer icon and it showed the print jobs listed but under status it was just blank.

Then the Internet Explorer would not work. My email was working so I knew the internet was OK. So, I tried a reboot. It would not shut down, so I pushed and held the power button until it turned off. Turned it back on but that didn’t fix anything. I had a personal project I was working on in AutoCAD and since that program worked OK, I worked on my project all day, just couldn’t print it.

Then last night, when I tried to print my project one more time, it worked. No, not my project, my printer. The project didn’t work, but I was happy that the printer had started to work, but the thumb drive and IE didn’t. Then last night when I tried the “shut down” process, it shut down on its own. I thought that was a good sign.

I found out this morning that it was a good sign. Printer and Internet Explorer both work. I am going to assume that the thumb drive works but will not try that until I get this posted, just in case.

I am going to take all of your advice and down load Firefox and give it a try. Thank you all for all the advice, it was appreciated.

Cross your fingers, I am going to plug in the thumb drive. . .

Adding this note, the thumb drive worked OK.


  1. Whew,,what a mess.. Glad you are back amoung us. you will love Firefox, Promise , Once you get it loaded it should come up and ask is you want to set it as default internet browser,just tell it yes. Then take a look at the free addons. Of course there is a way to import your IE book marks, but I can't tell you where it is.

  2. Fingers are crossed...that is how I solve most of my computer trouble.

  3. I think import comes up when first installed but in any event it is on the Organize Bookmark tab in the menu across the top.

  4. BE CAREFUL, BE VERY CAREFUL, fox IS NOT the miracle cure all that all the microsoft haters would have you believe it is!

  5. Sometimes when absolutely nothing else works, I unplug whatever device is giving me problems, count to 10 or 15, and then plug it back in. You'd be surprised how often this helps. But even if you never have a problem again, you will love Firefox!

  6. Diz, did you try to restore to some point back before all the problems started to occur...sometimes that fixes my problems when something gets sideways inside there somewhere?

  7. Computers are still a long way from the 'Starship Enterprise' aren't they!

  8. Ernest, We're getting very close to computers that will do as they are told verbally, but I think a computer that will "do what I mean" is simply not going to happen. ^_^

  9. The main thing is that you are back up and running! Glad to hear it...regardless of whatever gremlins fixed it!

    Tech problems just wear me out!

  10. ahhhh, I am a firm believer in , Itll fix its self with time.

  11. Glad your up and running again. Maybe there won't be anymore problems.Computers make me crazy! I'm not a tech. Blessings jane

  12. Thank you all for your comments and help in this matter. The one question that I have is if firefox will work with my virus protection program or since it seems they do some of the same things, interfer with each other? Got to put it on hold untile Friday afternoon. I have a rush job to do for an old customer.
