Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paper Cutter, etc.

My wife and I went to the flea market yesterday morning. It was cloudy and every now and then you could feel a little mist in the air. There were only about three quarters the vendors that are there on Sundays and hardly any customers. A very good time to browse around.

It turned out to be a good day for us. Both my wife and I purchased some things that we wanted. My wife got a lot of things that she wants to use in her crafting work, plus a nice small solid wood table along with some other things.

I am the one that found the best bargain, a Fiskars 12” Deluxe Rotary paper trimmer. Here is a picture of my purchase, sorry for the blurriness, I must have moved when taking the picture:

It is as good as new and does a fantastic job. It clamps the paper in place while you cut it. I would imagine that it would cut other material, also, although my wife tells me it would be best to stick to paper.

Here is a link to the paper cutter I purchased at the flea market yesterday for only $2.00. And it is as good as new:

Now, I would say that is quite a bargain, $2.00 for an item that retails at $82.45. I saved $80.45 with that purchase. The only way to save more is not to have bought anything, (grin).

Here is the replacement bar:

As you can see, it costs $14.58 but can be rotated 8 times for a new cutting surface.  And the 45 mm rotary cutting blades can be purchased at any store that sells crafts or hardware.

Now I can pack away the old cheap one I was using and save it as a spare. My wife and I cut a lot of paper since we have been making cards to send to my Aunt every day. This will do a better job and easier, too.

Now that I am on a roll, will go back to the flea market again this morning. At least all the walking is good exercise, right?


  1. Sounds to me like you found a great deal!

    They say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while...! I think you did good, buddy!

  2. I think you found a true bargain! Those paper cutters are so handy, and I remember them from way back when I worked in an office. I always wish I had one when I have to cut a straight line with scissors, but never even thought about looking for a used one.

  3. Howdy Hermit, Yep I think I found a good deal. I really am like a blind hog when it comes to finding deals. Don't find too many, usually pay too much for things.

    Howdy Gypsy, Yep, we have been using those paper cutters you buy in craft stores. They work but are not all that accurate and tend to cut a wavy line. I had never seen one this good, of course I have not worked in an office for quite a few years, except the one in my own home.

  4. Paper cutters scare me..the ones from school with the very large guillotine blade!

  5. Fran, yep, I saw a couple of them at the flea market. They are good for trimming your finger nails and maybe an inch or so off your finges, too.

  6. Frann, I have one of those in my office. It's always fun to remember how much those scared me. I wonder if they truly are nearly as dangerous as people tell me? The seem to have a fairly dull blade.

    I love a good market or second hand store. I got to a local place called Half Price Books nearly every weekend and usually walk out with about $10 worth of stuff. I love to collect old computer games.

  7. Electric Paper Cutter huh!

    I just tare it off the roll and and pull the chain when I'm done!

  8. Grant, My wife loves Half Price Books. There are two on the north side of Houston, but the closest is still a 45 minute drive.

    Ernest, This cutter is not electric. You still have to use the old fashion elbow grease. You got a chain? Either you live in a fancy apartment or a really old one. . .

  9. I miss 1/2 priced books out here in the desert..
