Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday again,

Well this is Monday morning again. Actually, now that I am retired and just plain tired, Mondays are not that special. Of course since I was self employed and worked out of my home, Mondays were not then a big deal, either. Hope your Monday is going great.

Yesterday was beautiful. It got up to the low 70’s and with a breeze, was very comfortable. We went to the flea market just to get some walking in and to see all the different stuff that was for sell. I spotted another neat car parked there. Must be a favorite destination for people with classic or unusual vehicles. Here is a picture:

I told you once about my friend Les who was also a HAM. We were always in radio contact, even when I moved to Texas. I kept a schedule with him on 15 meters. He was a neat fellow and lived in an area of Pennsylvania where I loved to go deer hunting or camping or just for a walk or a drive in the woods. I can tell you lots of radio related things that he and I got into, but since most of you are not Amateur Radio operators, I will not bore with them, although some are quite hilarious.

One of his other hobbies was collecting antique tractors. Here is a picture taken in 1983 of Les and three of his tractors. The one in front is a 1923 Fordson, then a 1942 John Deere “LA” and the last is a 1946 John Deere “LA”. These pictures were taken in Leslie’s front yard.

Neat tractors, don’t you think?


  1. Beautiful tractors! And it's true, they just don't make 'em like that any more.

  2. Gypsy, yes they are beautiful and they don't make them like they used to, for sure. My friend, gone now, was a really great guy. Had lots of hobbies and always full of life even when things went extrememly bad.

  3. Sounds like a great person. And the tractors are nice too. No they don't make them like that anymore,nothing these day's is made for endurance. Blessings jane

  4. Howdy Jane, He was a great guy and is missed by all those who knew him.

  5. Hey Diz,
    My father-in-law was a MARS ham radio operator for years. Think he quite enjoyed it. Can still remember the antenna tower we pulled down after he died. Nobody wanted that stuff anymore.

  6. What a treasure in those old tractors!

    Beautiful and handy at the same time! I love the car, as well!

  7. Windy, the MARS operators did a great service to our country. You must be proud of him for giving his time and effort to the Military Amateur Radio Service.

    Hermit, Yes they were a treasure and worked perfectly. Hope someone is taking care of them now.
