Monday, January 17, 2011

Wondering how not to repeat myself.

I must be getting old!! I was going to do my blog this morning on an RV park that we liked, and then I remembered that I did do something about it before. So, I looked back through my 182 posts but it didn’t seem to be there. Of course I could have used a title that didn’t list it. I know that sometimes I start off a blog with information relating to my title and then fly off in another direction and finish up on a completely different subject.

Maybe I didn’t do a blog about it. Maybe I just made up a big email explaining it and sent it off to someone. I don’t want to repeat a blog; I already bore you enough without doing that.

What is wrong with my memory?? No, don’t tell me. I know I am getting old. Hey, I can remember what I did when I was kid, just forget where I laid my pencil down or put my keys. Or, what was I saying?? I will look a little closer to make sure I didn’t write about it and if not, I will do a blog about it later.

On the lighter side. A friend of mine sent me an email with a list of things to ponder. I will not list them all here, but will give you an example.

Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards: NAIVE
Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea does that mean that one enjoys it?
Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?
At income tax time, did you ever notice: When you put the two words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells ...'THEIRS'?

Ok, I hope that you got a chuckle out of them and that you don’t spend the rest of the day pondering or wondering about them.


  1. I saw a friend at the post office last week. He's pretty old and gets around town on a lawnmower with no blade under it.

    We were remarking about how windy it was and he told me the story about a chichen that had to lay square eggs to keep it from rolling away.

    His wife told me in church last night that he has to look for someone new to tell the jokse to because he can't think of any new ones!

    Now a days, instead of saying "Stop me if you've heard this one," I say "Stop me if I've told you this one before!"

    BTW, It was so windy here last week that a chichen had to lay its egg twice!

  2. Now that is funny, I am still laughing. Thanks Ernest for lighting up my morning with a windy chicken joke.

  3. Don't worry about writing the same blog twice. Most of us won't remember either.

    One the best things about having grandkids is that you know they've never heard it before. All the old jokes are good again.

  4. Howdy Sixbears, It is funny, I think old jokes come back to life. I am starting to hear jokes again that I heard back 50 or 60 years ago.

  5. I'm still telling jokes I heard 50 or 60 tears ago.
    If you add the search gadget in blogger to your web page you can search for your own stuff. I use it a lot because any time I think of something now I am pretty sure it is not the first time. There does not seem to be any first times for me these days.

  6. Hey Oldfool, those old jokes were probably better than any new ones. And I hope there will still be some first times for me. I haven't completely given up yet.

  7. My memory is so bad just repeat all you want to!

  8. Hey Frann, thanks for stopping by. It can get so bad that you forget that you had forgotten. :-)
