Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wandering to town and back – Shopping

This is more or less a follow-up of yesterday’s blog. My last comment on my blog yesterday stated that I had purchased a vest and a couple of shirts. Since I do not have another good subject for today, I thought that I would just show you my purchases. I don’t usually go on a buying spree, so this is sort of unusual, but I have to admit, a lot of fun.

Here is a picture of all of my purchases:
Three new shirts and a brown leather vest. I already have a brown cowboy hat that will go nicely with the vest.

The following three items were purchased yesterday:

And this pin-striped purplish shirt was bought the day before:

Also, the day before, I purchased this down filled vest to keep me warm on cold days:

I have not yet worn any of them, but did try them on to make sure they fit before I removed the tags. Found a tag on one of the shirts that said it had a one year guarantee. I guess that is, if I change its oil and do the required maintenance (washing).

My wife and I stopped by the local Super Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and a lady customer looked up and saw me coming and with a loud voice yelled, “There is Wild Bill Hickok!” I looked behind me and no one was there, she was looking at me!! I had my cowboy hat on and I guess my white beard and long white hair must have made me resemble Ole Wild Bill. I told her that I wasn’t Wild, just Dizzy. That really got her going. It took a good 15 minutes to get away from here, but it was fun for both of us. I am the type of guy who will stop and talk to anyone.

You all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. LOL LOL, I GOT to get you and Buddy Bob together someday all dressed up and go wander Wally World. Y'all would tie up the store for hours!!

  2. Sounds like a man with a plan. That would be fun.

  3. Never know how others will percieve3 us, do we? At least you know how to dress for next Halloween, if you ever go to Wally-World on Halloween during that time!

    Have to admit, it looks pretty normal to me! But then, what do I know?

  4. You bought some really nice clothes. I think you should post a picture of you wearing them, and especially with the cowboy hat!

  5. Howdy Hermit, I'll tell you, I don't need a mask to scare people. I scare myself when I look in the mirror.

    Gypsy, OK, I will do that and post it in a future blog. Hope I don't scare anyone, I ain't too pretty, you know.
