Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dogs to Vets

It is that time again, when the dogs have to go to the vets and get their shots and check-ups. Hope all will be found well. We will be taking two in this morning and the male in tomorrow morning.

I have not missed a day with my blog since I started back in July. Yesterday's blog was number 125. I am going to take a break writing every day. Have too many things that are piling up that need attention. I know you will understand. I promise to fit a few new blogs into my list of things that need done. Maybe I can come up with some better ideas and pictures.

Thank you all who view and comment on my blog. I do so appreciate it, it makes my day. Thank you.


  1. Hope all is well with the fut babies medical check up today.

    And about your blog postings, it can become addictive can't it?

    I feel almost addicted to posting. and as you can tell by reading it, some days I just ramble on and on.

    Stay well, and post when you feel like it and got time.

  2. Good luck with your furry friends. They do become part of the family. Post when you can. Life comes first.

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog, and you're doing something right! Since I've started reading it, I can see a definite person and personality coming through, which is what it's all about, after all.

  4. Yep the blog can at times be a burden and at other times a breath of sanity. I too have decided that having a blog entry every day is not necessary. I was letting it get to be a stress item. Now that stress item is gone. Thanks for the inspiration on the art work.

  5. Ben, got them all back home. Over $300.00 for two dogs. Wow, I was in the wrong profession. They got all their shots and the oldest female, Muffin, was diagnosed with a mild case of colitis. He said give her roughage, that will not be hard because she loves lettice, brocoli, etc. Just begs for it.

    Sixbears, Yes, those little furry critters really do get attached. I am still not over the loss of my old and very faithful dog.

    Gypsy, Thanks for the nice words. I have seen my blog deteriorate over time. Need a break. Personality?? I have been told I don't have one, but I am a character :-)

    Barney, I do enjoy blogging and will continue to read others. I will be back before you want me. . . And glad you took my advice about the art work.

  6. One other thing, my blood pressure went way too high so just sitting at a computer for hours is not a good thing. Need to go out and walk at a fast pace for at least 3 miles a day and exercise inside at night. No salt and watching my diet. Hate that no salt thing :-(

  7. DD you have been doing so well with the blog but yes I understand, it can be very time consuming. For me that's ok but there are other things to do... I do enjoy you visiting mine so hope you will still have the time. Seize the day my friend...

  8. Yes FT, I will keep reading and commenting on blogs. I will post another one soon. Got to keep you on your toes, so keep looking :-)

  9. Hey, I can surely understand where you're coming from! Glad to see the furry friends are doing well! They are indeed a large part of our life. I believe they can be a positive influence on our health as well!

    Just keep up the good work, buddy!

  10. My personal trigger that it's time for a blog post is when I fall to the bottom of Ben's blog list. If inspiration hasn't hit before that happens I'm not getting out and doing interesting thing often enough. A few times in the years I've been blogging I have tried to do a daily post, but that lasts usually about 3 days before I run out of things to post.

  11. Hermit, I agree with you. Pets keep people happy, well, and alive. They take pets to nursing homes to uplift the patients spirits.

    Shadow, that sounds like a good idea, of course I don't get out and do too many exciting or interesting things. Maybe I can change that.
