Wednesday, September 1, 2010


As you know from previous blogs and also this one , that I am a member of G.P.A.A. (Gold Prospectors Association of America) and I receive their magazine. This last issue came today and one thing that I read was that they are setting up a HAM radio station during their week long “outing” at the Scotts Bar Camp. This is being done in memory of the group’s founder, George “Buzzard” Massie. They will operate from 09-29-10 thru 10-03-10 on:
160 M - 1.950
80 M - 3.850
40 M - 7.270
20 M - 14.320
15 M - 18.150
12 M - 24.950
10 M - 28.370

Any HAM’s out there, feel free to check in. The Special Event Station call will be K6G.

I have been a HAM since the early 70’s, active off and on through the years. I have the equipment and license that allows me to be on all HF bands and also on 2 meter and 440 MHz. I don’t have 220 MHz. equipment.

Some of you are RVers and may or may not be hams. There is forum for RV-HAM people at

Amateur Radio has played a large part in helping authorities during power outages caused by tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fire, and almost any disaster you can think of. Hams have done search and rescue, welfare checks, info relays, and communication for community activities.

Depending on what you want to do, it can be an inexpensive hobby or one that costs a fortune. Most HAMs are somewhere between the two. I have an old Heathkit HW101 that I built myself back when I first got my license, and it still works today. Also, for mobile work, I have an Icom IC-706MKIIG all band rig and a couple of older VHF (2 meter) rigs. This is a picture of the driver’s seat of my motor-home:

If you looked closely you should have seen my Icom sitting on the left hand corner of the dash board. Here is a closer view:

And did you spot the old Alinco 2 meter rig stuck in the center consol?

In Texas, for one dollar extra, you can get your HAM call on your license plate. The state wanted hams to be easily recognizable so the police would know who they were in an emergency. Here is a picture I took at Terlingua last Spring at BJ’s RV park. You can see the plates on the Jeep:
I know I bored most of you, but I hope some of you found it interesting.


  1. I still to this day on occasion consider getting a ham rig. But I know that if I did, it would take over my life, like CB did back in the 60's an 70's. Besides which I don't want to have to take all those FCC test to license again.

  2. It ain't the same as it used to be, they are almost giving those license away now. They have a study book with all the questions and answers and local hams as volunteer examiners. They will also hold free classes, if you need them.

  3. I think a ham radio would be a fun thing to get into! Thought about it many times!

    Thanks for the food for thought...

  4. Yes Jim, it is fun along with being useful. You can talk to locals or around the world. There are all kinds of contests if you like compition. Differerent modes for different preferances.

  5. I'm a ham. Used to go to the Dayton Hamfest every year. Not real active. I have a tri band 2 meter handi talkie. I was thinking the other day I should sell it, but it's a really nice one. It will probably be illegal in Honduras. I used it once in the British Virgin Islands, which was also probably illegal.
