Thursday, August 12, 2010

Waist Line

You know, I have just been wondering about waist lines, or to be exact, where your pants end and your belt goes. I just looked in the mirror and I don’t think mine was where it use to be.

OK, let’s go back a ways. I remember my Grandpa and his waist was a lot higher than the ones I see today. Maybe his suspenders were too tight but those pants went way up to just under his breast bone, at least that is the way it looked to me.

Now, I got to admit that my waist line has dropped some. Seems like it was a slow process over the years. My size jeans got a little tight and I moved them down a little and they were OK. This process occurred over and over again until my “waist” is now way down below my belly, but I am so proud that I still wear the same size pants, except the pant legs seem a little longer now. I just bought a pair of jeans, waist 34” and inseam 30” I used to have a 32” inseam, must be getting shorter. They say that happens with age. Of course other parts of my body seam to shifting around from where they used to be. Nah, I must be imagining this whole thing.

By the way, why do they call it “waist” line? Mine isn’t “waisting”, OK, I mean wasting away.

Did you all read the Hermit this morning? He is a wealth of information. He checked into the saying bated breath. Of course, in my blog I spelled it wrong, I used the word “baited”. As I told Hermit Jim, my breath sometimes smells like old catfish bait, I may have used the correct spelling (grin). I love looking into the origins of sayings. Most, I have found, meant something entirely different when they started.

Here, I was going to give you an example and was going to use “saved by the bell” as the example. My memory is not serving me well this morning. I remember reading about it many years ago and when I started to write it down, I couldn’t remember the details. I do remember that it does not refer to boxing, but to a guard or soldier in London England who was on trial for his life for not doing his duty or something. It had something to do with hearing the bell in the Tower of London. He was cleared when they all went to the location and did hear the bell, so he was saved by the bell. Can anyone verify or correct or complete this story?

Well, I guess I “shot my wad” and am “dead in the water”, so will “quit while ahead”. Actually, I think I should have quit a long time ago.


  1. I always heard that saved by the bell, referred to the plague or some such, when seemingly deal people were accidentally buried alive. So they started putting a string in the coffin attached to a small bell above ground. Should the corpus awake and ring the bell, he was "saved by the bell "

  2. Hi Dick,
    This is what I found on Wikipedia:

    "The expression "Saved by the bell" came from the Black plague time when they used to bury people not knowing whether they were really dead or not. If the person was still alive, they would ring a bell that was attached by a string, and the night guard would unbury them."
    By the way speaking of things shrinking, I found out the other day I am now 5'4" from the 5'7" I have been all my adult life. The incredible shrinking woman! Enjoyed the story of your lowering waist!

  3. Speaking of old sayings, I have a single bumper sticker on my truck. It says, Mene Mene Tekle, Uphrasine!

    Many people have heard the old saying,'The hand writing on the wall' but did you ever wonder what the handwriting said?

    The bumper sticker tells us.

    A hand appeared out of thin air and wrote those words on the wall of king's palace in Babylon.

    'MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.' "This is the interpretation of the message: 'MENE'--God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. " 'TEKEL'--you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. " 'PERES'--your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians."
    (Dan 5:25-28 NASB)

    Peres is the plural of Upharsin!

    This warning could easily be applied to the USA now-a-days, too!

  4. Ben & Kathie, thanks for straightening me out on that. I heard that one also. Wasn't the wake started then, also, to make sure the person was really dead?

    Ernest, thanks for the translation. We must all take heed.
