Monday, August 9, 2010

Stanton, the ghost town

I am going wandering again today. Had an earlier blog on prospecting, but thought that I would show you the base of operations, Stanton, AZ. It is an official ghost town and the LDMA and GPAA have and are restoring it and putting in additional RV facilities.

These pictures were taken on our last trip out there in 2008. The first picture is of me on main street. Yep, it was cool there in March.

This is a view of where I parked. Ours is the Jeep Liberty and Class-C Motor-home.

When watching the Gold Fever show on TV, I always thought that Tom Massey was short and chunky, but I am 5'-11" and he is at least a half a head taller than I am. He is a BIG guy and the nicest fellow you could ever meet. Down to earth and not afraid to get dirty. Also has a great sense of humor.

This is the office. It was originally the stage coach depot. I have some better pictures of it on my first trip.

Here is a sign that is on the old hotel that gives some of the history of this old town and area. I enlarged this from the next picture of the hotel.

The Hotel Stanton with my wife, Dusty, and one of our four dogs standing out in front.

Just a short distance down the board walk from the Hotel there was this fellow sitting on a bench. I asked him if I could take his picture and we got talking. He was full of information. He said that after he retired, he became care taker of this town and has been for the last 30 years. I just love talking to someone who has been around longer than I have. Not too many of them left any more.

Just some more buildings that have been restored. They were in real bad shape the first year that I came to this event.

This is a view of "Rich Hill" that had the "Potato Patch" on top of it where back in the day the old prospectors were picking up potato size nuggets just laying on the ground. At least that is what they say. The GPAA & LDMA have a claim on top of that mountain, but I need more time than a weekend to climb up there. Maybe someday. Hey, maybe Billy Bob can come and help me carry that potato sack full of nuggets off the mountain. . .

And just below Rich Hill is where we parked in the upper RV parking area. This year (2008) we had water and electric. The first year we were there, that was not available, had to boondock, but enjoy it either way.

May there always be color in your pan.


  1. Have ya ever tried to tote a gunny sack full of nuggets? I remember one time I found a nugget so big I couldn't pick it I left it to come back later with an end loader. Well, I never did find my way back to that spot and my nugget just lays there.

    1. I found that nugget last week - took a power crane to lift it onto my flat-bed. This will cover my beer budget for years to come!

  2. I'll help you hunt for it!!! Yep, I know, we would have to take several trips off that mountain. Couldn't carry a full potato sack.

  3. like yer shirt, I got one in black just like it.

  4. Hi Dick,
    Loved the pictures and the story and feel like I got to make the trip to Stanton too!

  5. These are some really nice pictures, my friend! Looks like a good time was had by all!

    I love the old timer! Right you are about there not being too many olders around anymore!
