Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fish & Sunsets

Wish I had pictures of some of the fish that my sons and I caught when out fishing. One time on Grapevine Lake we paddled up a creek and my oldest son caught two whoppers out of the same brush pile. We kept them and the two totaled just slightly over 16 pounds. Really nice. I am glad I have good memories of him, since he was killed 11 years ago in a highway accident. OK, the first part of this ole blog is for Billy-Bob since he commented on my last blog asking where the pics of the fish were.

He got me a WONDERING why I don’t have any pictures of fish that I have caught. Good question, I guess there were multiple reasons. Maybe it is because back in the old days a camera was not part of the fishing tackle and then too, we usually fished at night. As far back as I can remember, my Dad and I fished out of an old Kennebec canoe at night for bass that were in by the shore feeding. A big ole bass caught in shallow water on a surface plug is a joy to behold. My Dad brought home an old Old Town Canoe the day before he died. Both canoes are memories, and now I have a plastic one, but it works.

Probably had some old pictures of fish on film or slides, but I can’t find any. Then the last few years, I mostly caught and released. Some, I released in my swamp. You know, to give the bass new blood.

Wish I had pictures of some of the fish that my sons and I caught when out fishing. One time on Grapevine Lake we paddled up a creek and my oldest son caught two whoppers out of the same brush pile. We kept them and the two totaled just slightly over 16 pounds. Really nice. I am glad I have good memories of him, since he was killed 11 years ago in a highway accident.

His son, my grandson was fishing my swamp one day a couple of years ago and I took this picture of two that he caught.

I have a lot of fishing and hunting stories to tell, some of them are really funny. Like Ben says, remind me someday and I will tell you about them.

I think I will close this blog today with pictures of sunsets.

These first three pictures were taken from the BJ's RV Park at Terlingua. The first one is looking through the Ocotillo.

This next one was taken looking over Lake Arthur in Moraine State Park in Pennsylvania.

The next four pictures were taken at Galveston State Park looking west along the Gulf shore.

The next four pictures were taken in Arizona. Seems there is a sunset in every State.

And the last pictures were taken from my place in Cut & Shoot, TX.


  1. You do know that the first problem in telling fishing stories is,, the First Lier don't stand a chance!!! :-) Love sun rise/set pictures. My ole friend Sandy Feet took the one on the top of my blog with her permission to use it.
    I have sat on the deck and watched the sunset across Laguna Madre many times.. But the sunrises are the ones that always get me.

  2. Dang it,, wish this had speal checker!! Of course what I meant to say was, The First Liar!! Don't stand a chance!!!

  3. Heck Ben, I thought all fish stories were true. And don't worry about the spelling, I can't spell worth a dang. My wife gets upset with me. Even with spelling checkers, I manage to mispell words.

  4. Some great sunsets there DD
    Oh by the way, I cooked some Pikelets for you, better have a look...

  5. Yep, FT, you got me drooling. Looks good and bet it warms you up on a chilly winter morning.
