Friday, July 16, 2010

First Blog

Ok, let's give this a try. This is my first blog, so maybe I should just tell you a little more about me and why I am starting a blog. The title tells most of it. The "Wanderings" part is related to my travels and adventures and the "Wonderings" part is things I question or want more information about. Maybe this blog can answer some of your questions and you can answer mine. But mostly, it will be trivia, trips, and thoughts, the three T's, and I hope it makes you smile.

How about some trivia? I just read in my new Astronomy magazine an article about some of the crazy ideas people had in the past. One of the ten listed was about Haley's Comet when it arrived in 1910. The earth passed through its tail that May. By then science was advanced enough to analize the tail spectroscopically and found traces of cyanogen which is a cyanide byproduct. Well the newspapers got hold of it and blew it out of proportion (see, nothing has changed), saying that everyone on earth would be poisoned and die. . . and of course someone came up with a money making scheme to take advantage of the histeria. Gas masks sells boomed, but an Ohio man marketed a bottle of 75 "Comet Pills" for complete protection. Gee, a sugar coated sugar pill just saved the world (grin).

Sometime truth is stranger than fiction.

Hope to see you all down the road when I am off RVing.


  1. Looks like a pretty good start to me! I'll have to give you a plug on the blog and see if we can get a few visitors to drop in!

    Keep on plugging away, my friend!

  2. Thanks Jim, I appreciate it. And, congratulations for being the first to comment on my new site.

  3. Welcome to the wide wild wonderful Blogger's World. Warning!!! This can become addictive.

  4. Hay Ben, yes I know. Don't forget that you are the one responsible for this, so you will either get all the blame or all the credit. Time will tell (grin).

  5. Enjoyed your start, if you could put it in a little larger font would be easier to read for some of us.

  6. OK Looking said,

    I enlarged the font size. I just had both eyes operated on for cataracts and I know what it was like trying to read little font. I would go to the "Page" pull down on my browser, and Zoom to 150%. Still do, makes things a lot easier to read, except it runs of the screen and you have to slide over, sometimes.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Let me try this again with correct spelling! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, Dick. You are one of 3 people who have posted on my sad little blog, from what I just read, you'll do fine!
    The B&O RR'ers granddaughter

  9. Welcome to my humble site. Yes, as you remember my granfather on my dad's side was a conductor on the B&O and on my mohter's side was an engineer on the PRR. Both worked on the RR when the engines were steam. I still miss that sound.

    Come a again and feel free to advise me. I need all the help I can get.

  10. Just peeking in for a looksee. Ben in Texas gave us the nod to a new kid on the block. I'll hang onto you and enjoy reading while downing my wake up medicine each morning.

  11. Welcome to the blogging world Dizzy.:-)
